It's In The Blood (43+Epilogue)

Jan 20, 2011 16:35

Title: It's In The Blood (43+Epilogue)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest, More pairings soon.)
Rating: PG13 (Over all NC-17)
Dedications: My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and maybe someday, Alex too.
Authors Notes:  The end.



For the first time in Alex's life, he fucking hated the color. The completely black suits that everyone wore, the black of make up running down Brendon's soft cheeks and even the black of the night sky couldn't provide comfort to him then, not when he'd been through what he had.

In a time like this, he could only remember the looks on everyone's faces on other days, happier days to go on because now, everyone was so broken. He felt like his very soul had been ripped out and buried in the ground along with Oliver Sykes to be left for the cold, bitter winter to take care of.

It wouldn't.

Tom was still outside, staring at the patch of dirt that the snow hadn't covered yet, just below the tree in the back yard and Alex couldn't wait for him any longer. Wordlessly, Alex turned from the boy and trudged back around to the front of the house, leaving him to mourn in the snow.

He reached the front porch and just as he was going to step inside, he found that a small, folded letter sat below his foot and he bent to pick it up. The bright red, wax seal on it had not yet been broken, giving hint to it's purity.

Alex popped the seal and opened it.

Addressed to the clan of Alex Gaskarth,

My sincerest condolences for the loss of your Oliver Sykes. Along with this letter, the envelope contains his last will and testimate regarding his personal belongings as well as that of the clan.

Once again, I could not be more sorry for your loss.


Alex pursed his lips and rolled his eyes. "I only wish you would have been this sorry when I came to you for help," he sneered to himself and stuffed the letter back in it's envelope before tugging out the other document.

All my personal belongings to be distributed among the clan.

Anything he wishes for belongs to Thomas Sykes.

My position in the clan to Alexander Gaskarth.

Alexander's previous position to Jack Barakat.

Brendon Urie will remain the hunter and Ryan Ross the instructor.

Alex had stopped reading the last line, eyes tight on the line previous to it. Did he seriously think that Jack would make an acceptable Vice?

He rolled his eyes a bit when he heard the door behind him open. He turned to see Jack, the look on his face that of sheer distress, sobbing gently as he opened his arms and pulled Alex closer to him.

"Help me, Alex," he whimpered and the vampire reached down to stroke a hand through his hair.

"I will, if you'll help me too."

Jack nodded, holding Alex as tight as he could, like maybe the vampire could take the pain away. He would. Eventually.


“Tom hasn’t stopped crying,” Jack pointed out but Alex couldn’t hear a thing he was saying. The only thing he could think of was the feeling of Oli’s cold skin under his fingers that he felt not too long ago. At least it was something though.

He stared out the window at Tom, sat all by himself in the cold snow as he stared at the patch of dirt in the back yard.

“Alex?” Jack tried again and the vampire looked down at him.

“I know, Jack. But it’s hard to get over, I’m sure,” he answered as they sat across their bed. Jack had a pair of scissors in his hands, snipping at a drawing that he and Chris had done.

“Well, maybe after time,” the younger said gently, clutching the hot tea cup in his hands and Alex nodded.

“Time,” he agreed and watched as Tom stood from the ground outside and tightened the grey scarf around his neck, glancing around the white land scape before he walked over to the nearest tree and slid down it until he was sitting again. The snow must have been so cold against parts of the boy's bare skin.

When he looked back down at Jack he was already staring up at the vampire with worry in his eyes.

“This is such a mess,” he said lightly, as if to not upset Alex with his words but really, they had the opposite effect on him. He smiled warmly and pulled Jack closer to him before placing a gentle kiss onto his temple.

“Everything’s going to be okay though,” he assured and kiss the spot again. “We're still a family. Plus, I have you.”

Drawn by the lovely syksw for this very occasion.

A/N: Please, tell me what you think of the whole story in general. Is a sequel in order?

jalex, it's in the blood, slash

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