SGA: A Good Day (3/5) (PG, B/C)

Dec 07, 2006 22:24

For stagesoflove -- totally going to have these done in time...

Title: A Good Day (3/5)
Pairing: Beckett/Cadman
Rating: PG
Word Count: 456
fanfic100 #080 Why? Table
Summary: "I was going to entertain you if you were bored..."

It had been a slow day in the Infirmary. Only three marines with sprained or broken joints, and two scientists with assorted burns - and only one of those sets of burns had been caused by McKay. All in all a slow day.

Not that Carson was going to complain about slow days. Slow days meant more opportunities to sit down with his notes in his office and complete research. Carson’s passion was research, it had always been research. He had been promised research time if he would take on the small responsibility of leading the department as the CMO. Honestly, they’d told him, there would be very few things that the staff couldn’t handle. He would only have to be hands on when his research allowed him extra time.

That was a bald faced lie, he thought with a chuckle as the door to his office slid closed with a satisfying whoosh. The promises had been reversed, and while that had bothered him at first, it had become his infirmary, his domain, and he was proud of what he’d done with it.

“Penny for your thoughts,” came a bright voice from the back of the office.

Carson all but jumped, but instead sighed, hanging his head as he tried not to be surprised. “I didn’t expect to see you here. Why are you here?” he asked

“Bored,” Laura answered with a grin. She was stretched out along the couch Carson kept in his office for long nights and quick naps, which happened more frequently than either of them liked.

“I thought I told you to take it easy for the day,” Carson replied, slipping his hands into the pockets of his lab coat.

“I did, but I was bored,” Laura insisted with a dramatic sigh.

“It’s going to take a few days for the sprain to heal and for you to get back to full duty,” Carson explained. “It only happened yesterday.”

“And I thought that since it was a slow day,” Laura continued, propping her sprained ankle up on the back of the couch and smiling slowly at him, “that you might be just as bored as I was.” She slipped a hand up to lightly brush her shirt up, exposing just a bit, just a small bit, of her flat stomach as she sighed. “I was going to entertain you if you were bored.”

Carson’s mind shifted quickly from his research to the image of Laura slowly, ever so slowly, pushing that shirt up and spreading her legs. “I… I could do that,” he answered lamely.

Laura laughed, her tongue flicking out to lick her lips delicately. “Well then, you should do that,” she replied matter of factly. “You should do that right now.”

A Good Day 1 - Chair
A Good Day 2 - Table
A Good Day 3 - Couch

beckett/cadman, fanfic, stagesoflove: furniture, fanfic100, stargate atlantis

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