Fic: Lie to Me

Sep 02, 2006 22:41

Title: Lie to Me
Author: Zoriah
Fandom: Blade: The Series
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Blade characters or the Blade universe and all that.
Pairing: Krista/Chase
Rating: PG-13 for mild coarse language.
Summary: Krista visits an ailing but recovering Chase in her bedroom, not long after her return from the mission in Berlin/Paris. Chase decides it's time for some brutal honesty, and yet rather than pulling away, Krista reacts in an unexpected way that unsettles Chase further.
A/N: I wanted to explore their emotional need for each other a little more, and the unanticipated ways that they 'fit' together, despite themselves.

Lie to Me

The faintest creak of the floorboard by the door caused Chase's eyelids to flutter open, but she didn't bother turning to see who it was. She already knew who it would be, anyway. “I told Marcus I wasn't up to seeing anyone yet.” She rasped hoarsely, vocal cords still on the mend.

“Yeah, well. I figured that wouldn't apply to me. ” Came Krista's reply, and Chase could just imagine the cocky casual shrug that would have accompanied it.

“Come to see what the price of failure looks like?” Chase muttered, still facing away from the younger vamp, a bitter edge coming to her tone.

Silence, then a reproachful, “I wanted to see how you were doing, actually.” Was that hint of concern Chase detected in Krista's voice? Even if it was, Chase wasn't about to acknowledge it.

“How sweet of you to drop by. ” She murmured dryly, finally rolling slowly onto her back and grimacing at the discomfort of doing so.

“How are you feeling?” Krista had not moved from the doorway. Instead she hovered on the threshold, half in shadow, as if afraid to cross some imaginary line into Chase's domain.

“Like absolute shit.” Chase admitted, not bothering to put a brave face onto things. “I look it too, don't I.” It was a statement more than a question.

“You don't look so bad.” Krista hedged, shifting her weight from one foot to the other and then back again.

Chase gave a snort of derision, “Liar.” She knew that her appearance was still repulsive to look at. The mending flesh was still reddened and raw in places; raised angry ridges of scarred tissue marring her usually smooth translucent skin. At least her white-blonde hair had grown long enough now to give the semblance of normality to her appearance.

“Chase, I saw you when they first brought you in to Medical. Believe me, you're looking a hell of a lot better. Almost back to your old self.” If that was meant to reassure the older vamp, it had the opposite effect.

“You saw me like that? They shouldn't have let you in.” Chase whispered sharply, mortified that Krista had seen her at her most vulnerable. A blackened and charred slab of whimpering meat on the med-table. It was bad enough Marcus had seen her, but Krista too?

The younger vamp had finally taken a step into Chase's room, moving into the ambient glow of the light spilling from her bedside lamp. It was then that Chase noticed the brutal gash cutting a vertical swathe down Krista's right eye. Chase's gaze was instantly drawn to the injury, to the stark evidence of violence having been meted out upon the younger vamp. “What happened to your eye?”

“Blade did it.” Krista replied with a flat, emotionless tone.

Ah, of course. Chase turned her face away again briefly, annoyed at herself for not having put two and two together. Perhaps the painkillers were clouding her usually sharp mind. “I heard you'd finished the job for me in Paris. Faced off with Blade and returned with the goods intact that I was sent to retrieve. You're becoming quite the rising star, aren't you?” The bitterness was back, and there was a hardness to her gaze when she turned back to stare at Krista.

“Is this why you're being pissy with me? Because I completed the mission?” Krista countered, a flicker of irritation coming to her one good eye as she stared back at Chase.

“No. I'm being pissy with you because you didn't screw up and nearly die like I did...” The older vamp spoke as if she were explaining something that should have been obvious to a four year old. “...and because it still hurts like the bloody dickens to move, to breathe, to even think.” She confessed, shifting slightly and taking a pained breath, further emphasizing her point.

Krista dropped her gaze to the floor. “I'm sorry.” She mumbled after a brief awkward pause.

Chase smiled, a brittle smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. “Don't be. It means the nerves are regenerating. And this is what you wanted isn't it?”

“What do you mean? How could you say that?” Krista blinked at her in disbelief, as if the thought had never crossed her mind that having Chase out of the way would make things so much easier for her.

“Why did you really come here, Krista?” Chase pressed, remaining on the offensive and ignoring Krista's own questions.

Krista's tone became exasperated, “Like I said. I wanted to see how you were doing.”

“Well, you've seen. And now you can leave. Go back to Marcus, I'm sure he'll have another mission for you since I'm currently out of commission.” The rancor in Chase's voice and coldness in her expression were not lost upon the younger vampire.

“Is this what this is about? Marcus? You're worried I'm replacing you? Well, I'm not.” The brunette insisted, appearing to be affronted by the implication.

Was Krista truly that blind? Or was she merely trying to appease her, lull her into a false sense of security before she swooped in for the kill. That's what she would have done in her stead. Either way though, Chase was tired of hiding her true feelings about it. “Aren't you? I've seen the way that Marcus looks at you, Krista. You've been turned for less than a bloody month and he's already relying on you, trusting you with dangerous missions and secrets that took me decades to earn from him. How am I supposed to take it? You're an upstart, you don't deserve to be where you are right now.” She inwardly cursed herself for sounding so pathetic. So hurt. So envious. A sign of weakness. Unforgivable. And yet it was out there now, and Krista could make of it what she wished. There was no taking it back now.

“I guess I have a trustworthy face.” Krista mumbled lamely, her voice small, almost childlike as if she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar and was now feeling guilty about it. Chase rolled her eyes at that. Just who was fooling whom?

“He seems to have a blindspot where you're concerned. But I don't, thankfully. So tread carefully, Krista darling. I shan't be as forgiving if you intentionally undermine our plans.” Chase warned with a vicious smile, her eyes narrowing further as she held Krista's gaze. “The only thing that has held me back from having you ashed already is that it would hurt Marcus deeply to do so, and I'd probably lose him forever. Plus, I'm not sure if I could get away with it.” There was a hint of irony at the last part. Chase always watched her own back first. Self preservation was always at the top of her list of priorities. Even exacting revenge took a back seat to that. This was in stark contrast to Marcus, however, who seemed to live for revenge, with no regard to his own life. Perhaps one day that would be his undoing.

Krista seemed taken aback by the revelation that Chase had seriously contemplated getting rid of her, and it was several moments before she replied. “I'm not trying to steal Marcus away from you, Chase. Believe me. He murdered my brother, remember?”

Chase let out a scornful bark of laughter, and moved to sit more upright. “Look me in the eye and tell me that, Krista. Tell me that Marcus doesn't hold some thrall over you because he made you. That he doesn't fascinate you.” Chase's gaze became piercing in its intensity, and Krista was unable to meet her gaze for very long, nor say what Chase had demanded of her. “That's what I thought.” The older vamp didn't bother to hide her disappointment, nor her annoyance at having had her suspicions confirmed. Much as it pained her, it had been the same with Frederick. And even now, although Chase hated him with every fibre of her being, she still was drawn to him, and had not completely gotten over her years with him.

At Chase's disdainful expression, Krista seemed to go on the defensive, her posture stiffening as she looked down at her. Her own gaze becoming as hard as flint. “So. Are you done feeling sorry for yourself, Chase? Because this self pity kick you're on right now is getting really tedious. It's not a such good look for you.”

“Get out!” Chase snarled, her fingers curling tightly against the bed covers.

Krista folded her arms tightly across her chest. “You wanna try to kill me? Fine, maybe you oughta wait though until you're all healed up, and not looking so damn pathetic. Then maybe it'd be a fair fight.” Krista leaned closer, hovering above Chase with a sneer plastered on her face.

“I told you to get out!” Chase spat at her, angry that she didn't have the strength to throw her out physically.

“Bite me.” Krista shot back, a cruel twisted smile coming to her mouth. And then oddly, she deliberately sat down on the bed, and began removing her jacket.

Surprised by the action, Chase glared at the brunette and hissed at her, “Leave now.”

“No.” There was grim determination on Krista's face, and before Chase had time to react, she was shifting closer and giving every appearance that she intended to stretch out on the bed alongside her. What the hell?

Chase reacted violently, trying to shove her away, even though it sapped her strength further. “Fuck off. Leave me alone.”

Krista easily grabbed at a flailing arm, restraining it forcefully, and leaned forward to whisper softly in Chase's ear, “Make me.” It was a deliberate echo of their earlier encounter at the House Leichen, and Chase felt a sudden flush of heat siffuse her body at the thought of what had almost happened. The tiniest hint of a smile came to the older vamp's lips at the remembrance, even though she was still pissed off at Krista for having bolted from the room and leaving her hanging like that. What a bitch for reminding her of what could have been. Chase struggled again, trying to get Krista to budge but it was no use, and in the end it just left her breathing hard, sore and defeated.

She quieted at last, no longer resisting, realising that this time she didn't have the energy to fight the younger vamp and make her leave. Which was a pity. “Did Blade do that as well? Sever your hand.” Chase inquired as she finally sank back against the pillows, eyeing Krista's bandaged right arm.

“Yeah. The price of success, I guess.” Krista glanced at it and shrugged matter-of-factly.

Chase's gaze became rather vindictive. “Good. I hope it hurt like hell. I hope it still does.”

“Sweet of you to express such concern for my wellbeing, Chase.” Krista responded sardonically, the corner of her lips twitching upwards slightly. “Actually, it was a close call. I'm pretty lucky that all I lost was an eye and a hand. The doc-”

“Don't.” Chase interjected, suddenly feeling vulnerable again, and hating herself for it.

Krista gave the blonde a quizzical look. “Don't what?”

“Don't try to make me feel better.” She elaborated softly, looking down at the sheets which covered most of her burn ravaged body. She didn't like this feeling. Of being fragile. Needy.

“I'm not.” Krista insisted, shifting closer and molding her body to Chase's this time, in a reversal of their usual arrangement.

Chase shook her head, an amused smile coming to her face despite herself. “Liar.”

Ignoring the older vamp's words, Krista snuggled even closer, tentatively draping an arm over Chase's waist. “Does it hurt if I...”

“Yes. But don't let that stop you.” Chase murmured in response, pressing back against her. The contact was not altogether pleasurable, and in some ways was even painful and yet...Chase welcomed it.

“I might get night terrors again tonight.” Krista mused idly, reaching out with her good hand to gently caress Chase's white blonde locks for once. To do what Chase had done for her countless times before. “You know...getting mutilated by Blade and all. Pretty traumatic stuff. Think I could bunk in with you? Just in case?” She leaned forward to rest her chin lightly on Chase's shoulder, giving her waist a slight squeeze.

Chase gave a sigh of resignation, if this was Krista's attempt to be cute, it was working too well. “I'm going to have to teach you to lie better, honey. Because you really are bloody awful at it. I got engulfed in a massive fireball and nearly blown to smithereens, I somehow think my trauma trumps yours.” She smiled though, touched by Krista's attempts to...what? Cheer her up? Make her feel less alone? What an disturbing thought.

“Still want to kill me?” Krista whispered teasingly, leaning forward to place a kiss on the curve of Chase's ear, which earned her a smile and a slight lift of the shoulder as if she had hit a ticklish spot.

“Absolutely. But you're right. It can wait.” Chase swiveled around to face Krista, smirking slightly and reaching out to trace a finger delicately along the gash across Krista's face.

Krista didn't flinch, and a small smile curved upon her lips. “Glad to hear it.”

“A word of warning, though. I never fight fair.” The older vamp warned, her smirk widening.

Krista's smile deepened as well, and she reached up to smooth back a stray lock of platinum hair. “You wouldn't be Chase if you did.”

“Flatterer.” Chase leaned into the touch, and then lowered her gaze. “You don't have to do this, Krista. I know I'm ugly right now.”

“No, you're not.” Krista breathed, her hand moving to tilt Chase's chin upwards, her gaze locking with hers. “You're just as maddeningly attractive as ever.” For once, Chase couldn't tell if she was lying or not, and she wasn't even sure if she wanted to know the truth. Marcus had sat with her, burdened with guilt and pity, but he'd not come to visit her for several days now, and had not lain with her, holding her in his arms the way that Krista was doing right now...

“Promise me you won't tell the others you've seen me like this.” Chase pleaded quietly, “I'm a vain creature. I do like to maintain a certain mystique.”

“Whatever you say, Chase.” Krista murmured, leaning forward to kiss Chase's lips gently, her hand tightening possessively against the blonde's hip.

Chase smirked again, rather liking Krista's response. “Good. You're learning.” She murmured, settling into the younger vamp's embrace. It was clear though, that neither of them had the energy for anything more, unfortunately. There'd be time enough for that later when they were both healed. For now it was enough just to feel Krista pressed against her. She'd come to her for once. Faced down her threats and protestations and had stayed.

Chase felt an odd constriction in her throat and blinked back the sudden onset of tears. She was getting sentimental. She never, ever cried. It had to be the painkillers.
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