New Clothes

Aug 23, 2006 11:07

Title: New Clothes
Fandom: Blade The Series
Pairing: Chase/Krista
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
A/N: This is what happens when I have to drive around in circles at 3am. Don't blame me.
Disclaimer: Don't own. Just like to borrow them.

She was furious. She just couldn't believe it as she stood and stared in her closet. Everything that had been in there had been replaced. And whoever had done it looked as if they had bought out Victoria's Secrets. She couldn't see one thing that she could wear in public. She tried her dressers and found the same thing. Shit she thought. I have a meeting with Marcus in an hour.

A knock at her door brought her out of her musings. She didn't even blink when Chase walked in. She had gotten very used to the blondes lack of manners.

"Oh Krista your here," said Chase as she glided toward Krista. "Just came by to see if your stuff had arrived?"

Krista just stared. No she thought. Chase couldn't have. Chase was at her closet now staring in. Krista couldn't help but notice the satisfied look on Chase's face.

"Well I see it all arrived."

"Shit, Chase how could you do this?"

Turning to look at the distressed brunette.

"My dear, cause I can."

"Chase, I have a meeting with Marcus in less than an hour. And there's nothing in there I can wear in public," said Krista waving her arm at her closet.

"Why of course not Krista sweetie. None of it is meant to be worn in public." Leering as she said this.

Chase moves to the other side of Krista's room. She opens a wardrobe that Krista had forgotten was in the room.

"I had your other clothes put in here. See all of it is acceptable to be worn in public."

Krista looked in the wardrobe. Damn Chase had got her again.

"Well I'll let you get ready for your meeting," said Chase as she headed toward the door. "Oh and when your done with Marcus I'll be back. I want to be sure your new things fit right."

As the door to her room shut she wondered how much she was going to enjoy being eaten alive by Chase.

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