Shopping at 2am

Aug 24, 2006 13:26

Title:Shopping at 2am
Fandom: Blade The Series
Pairing: Krista/Chase
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None
Summary: Shopping,'nough said.
A/N: OK this is another wrote at 3am while driving in circles. I really have to stop doing this,I'm going to run into a pole one of these mornings. Also I really have nothing against skater bois or goths.
Disclaimer: Characters do not belong to me. Just borrowing.

Krista was smiling. She couldn't help it. The look on Chase's face as she pulled into the parking lot was priceless.

"Krista why are we here," said Chases gazing around at the mostly empty parking lot.

"It's the best time to shop. You see all kinds of interesting people. Some that even make us look normal."

"No I mean, why do you need to shop?"

"I miss it. And any way I love Wal-Mart at 2am."

Grabbing Chase's arm she pulled her toward the store.

Chase could not believe this. How had she ever let Krista talk her into this. This was not what she had thought when Krista asked if she wanted to go shopping with her. She so could not believe that she was standing in Wal-Mart watching Krista pick out tee shirts. Why she'd never be caught dead in any thing from Wal-Mart.

"Come on Krista lets go," pouted Chase. "We can order you some nice tee shirts if that's what you want."

"No Chase, I'm tired of ruining some very nice clothes every time you decide to drag me to some unimaginable hellhole."

"Krista this is just pathetic. And I'm getting bored. And you know that's not a good thing."

"So, I like it here. Look if your not going to help me and are bored go scare the skater bois or the goths that are in here."

"Oh, God Krista not Goths. Can't stand them. Far to morbid for me."

Krista stopped her search through the clothes and stared at Chase.

"What," said Chase. "I just really can't stand them. They have no idea how to wear black."

"You surprise me sometimes Chase."

Krista went back to looking at the shirts. Chase just sighed and looked around the store and froze. Shit she thought. There really are Goths in here.

"Look Krista, if you hurry this up and get me out of this god awful place, I'll do any thing you want. Except another Wal-Mart."

Krista stopped what she was doing. Arching here eyebrows at Chase she smiled.

"Anything Chase?"

"Yes, just lets go,"said Chase looking sideways at the Goths.


And with that Krista took Chase's arm and they both walked out of Wal-Mart.

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