(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 17:37

Title: Yin-Yang (Part 6)
Author: gargyloveswolfy
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Blade: The Series/Chase/Krista/all other original characters belong to Spike TV and other peeps that are NOT myself. The story and any character(s) that are not found in the original/official Blade-verse are mine.
A/N: I have not seen one episode of Blade: The Series, nor have I seen any of the movies, however I think I am going to start watching the show now just because of the potential/hope for Chase/Krista.
Subject: Marcus' ambitions and goals come back to bite him in the ass big time.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Eight months later, almost to the day. Krista and Chase had found life within the House of Chthon (or any of the other Houses, for that matter) start to become to with strained for them. Missions they were sent on were more like babysitting assignments for every other Chthon Vamp and/or Familiar to try to get to be Marcus' favorite or get him to turn them; by keeping the two lovers under very close and strict supervision while out of the scrunity of the building's security system.

They were restricted to their room and being escorted to see Marcus in his office. Something was up, no doubt. Blade for his part stopped coming around Chthons' HQ, as he and Shen have "cut" Krista loose. But, he was without a doubt keeping tabs himself on them, he occassionally would attack and take out the majority of their team. The day-walker would often attempt to kill one or both of them amongst the fighting, to no futher success than his first attempt to kill Krista all those months ago.

They couldn't prove it but they played nice and waited for the end-game, with patience that even surprised them. This was the night, as they walked down the hall being escorted by Sabine. They entered behind Sabine as she opened both doors wide, Sabine steps to her right allowing both entrance, and soon backs out shutting both doors once again. They scanned the room and saw both Blade and Shen there, a few Pure Bloods from the other Houses; all turning to face them with grim looks upon their faces.

"It appears after months and months of enemies becoming closer than a mother with her child still within her womb," Fredrick started as he stood from a chair that masked his presence within the room, "that we've all finally deduced that you two are yet a new bred of hominus noctini."

"We've been studying you two very closely," Marcus stated all so calmly, as he gently showed them to the two chairs facing in opposite directions of each other, within the center of the equistion.

"Apparently, the two brothers-twin brothers-that we had in common," Shen remarkably cool and collected under the circumstances, "who have been missing just before you two fell into your asher addiction...were the ones that came up with the serum that Blade is on and working for the House of Chthon. They must've came up with a new and improved verison of the serum, tested it for awhile on each other, and were ashed that night by the ashers you two fed initially off of."

Blade promptly took it from there, "The serum gave the boys an edge no other turned vampire had, and quite possibly gave them an edge against pure bloods. The ashers on this stuff were given a greater strength, agility, and prowess that no asher should've had. It must've been a serious overdose for you two to become instinticual predators whether than to maintain your normal intellect and logic. With enough feeding on nothing but ashers, not only did you two manage to wipe an entire cities' worth of dealers and addicts; but, you've also managed to create a phsilological response within yourselves to mutate into higher beings."

"That we simply can not allow to exist," one of the Pure Bloods said as they all raised swords up.

The attack on them was swift, could've been deadly, if certain aspects of their mutated state didn't allow them to destroy all the Pure Bloods, Marcus, Blade, and Shen.

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