Title: Yin-Yang (Part 4)
gargyloveswolfyRating: R
Disclaimer: Blade: The Series/Chase/Krista/all other original characters belong to Spike TV and other peeps that are NOT myself. The story and any character(s) that are not found in the original/official Blade-verse are mine.
A/N: I have not seen one episode of Blade: The Series, nor have I seen any of the movies, however I think I am going to start watching the show now just because of the potential/hope for Chase/Krista.
Subject: Marcus' ambitions and goals come back to bite him in the ass big time.
Days became weeks and weeks became months. The asher population was near extinction in Detroit. And when Marcus finally caught up to them, he found them nude and wrapped around each other. Blood-stained, dirt all over their bodies, nappy and greasy, and the body odor was only nullified by the putridness of their feminine fluids that have became too disgusting to even bare.
Blade showed up closely behind Marcus, before all-out fight to could ensue the head of Chthon stopped his minion, and coming to a truce with the day-walker. He had pieced together that Krista was working for Blade when he found empty viles of serum and the rest of the supply with the injector in the shower drain, when he was searching for links to where both Krista and Chase could disappeared to.
The day-walker for his part agreed to accompany them back to the House of Chthon to help oversee the recovery of Krista and Chase. That was after deducing that the couple had eliminated all of the ash dealers and their labs, therefore the ashers would be suffering from withdrawal but any problems associated with this ordeal would take care of itself within two-weeks time. The serum was no longer effective on Krista and it was never going to work on Chase.
After getting them back and having lower members of The House of Chthon take care of cleansing the pair, which took 12-long excruciating hours just to get grim off them, they finally slipped the still unconscious two into some clean sleep wear and got them situated into their own rooms. They were left un-monitored.
When they woke they first sought each other out and then they tried to brake free from their “detox” prison to find more ashers. They nearly killed everyone in their way, taking out just about any low level member that got in their way and plenty of high-level members. It took both Blade and Marcus to subdue them. After this they were placed under 24-hour observation in the infirmary while being shackled down to med-beds, by reinforced straps, chains, and leather harnesses to prevent them from moving enough to gain any kind of momentum that would allow them to brake free again.
It took nearly eight weeks for the physical sickness of withdrawal to diminish completely from them. Their physiological adaption to the life long (or in this case, eternity long) recovering-addiction was going to require something that neither Blade nor the House of Chthon could provide. So, they were sent to Tibet to study meditation and to center themselves. Except they weren't sent to an everyday Buddhist camp with human monks; it was a House of Lycan retreat.
For Chase it was returning home and her ex-(human) husband that turned her would be their sponsor, this was something that Chase was not too excited about and Krista snarled and growled at him every time she could sense his presence. The sickness and withdrawal physical pains were all but gone, but were manageable. They were not allowed to be even on the same side of camp together, they were to remain separated at all times during their time in the House of Lycan's meditation and retraining sanctuary. Their stay was dependent upon the speed in which they showed significant improvement, they were never spoken to except to be given specific commands, and they were under close scrutiny at all times. It took nearly six whole weeks to resign to the place and it's very strict rules, it took them both another two weeks to begin to figure it all out, and it took another month to start showing a contentedness in being. After being in Tibet for six months they both had an aura of peace about themselves, thus granted permission to return to a life of their choosing outside of this place.
As much as they were watched over with eagle eyes, no one but themselves would ever know that they were also training themselves as a couple in their mental and emotional discipline of being connected despite physical barriers that might keep them separated. Krista found in herself the acceptance of being a vampire and the willingness to live the lifestyle, while Chase found herself becoming more able to resist her more darker urges and desires. They both were vampires still and loving the pleasures of being such an animal, but they no longer were bound by the weaknesses of being hominus noctoni but they were so much more than the day-walker. Had the heritage of being fully human before being turned and now they were part of a long line of being fully vampire. The were immune to the sunlights effects upon vampires, silver, garlic, and the best part of all (and yet to be discovered) the only person that could kill either one of them is the other. Krista is the only one who can kill Chase and Chase is the only one who can kill Krista; with bare hands and only if they truly fall out of love (yet, we all know love is forever, never dying). It is because of this rarity amongst the predators of the night that they are forever stronger, faster, and more agile than any other of their family-especially the pure bloods.
They returned to the Motor City with their mutual marks upon their necks (just under their left ears-clearly visible whether they were anything that covered them or not-scent, sight it did not matter it made their “marriage” permanent hands-off to all others.
To Be Continued.....................