[icons] merlin, being human + more

Mar 16, 2013 11:32

(eng) ok. i had planned to make more icons before posting these, but whatever, let's be over with. most of these were done either for the7days & a merlin battle for theiconquest (which, btw, go watch the results, because there are many pretties there <3). and since rl has started to be a pain again, let's have a fresh start :D

(esp) había pensado en hacer más icons ( Read more... )

tv: homeland, tv: being human, tv: kings, tv: v, tv: dollhouse, comm: the7days, tv: game of thrones, tv: firefly, *graphics: icons, tv: merlin, comm: iconquest, tv: legend of the seeker, tv: eli stone, tv: life

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Comments 30

nottiem March 16 2013, 15:19:39 UTC

... )


nyaza March 16 2013, 15:38:58 UTC
i hate you (not) ♥
shut up. woman.

i sorta did 19 with you in mind, gotta admit ♥ bebe ;_;

cutler babyyyyyy ;_; I need my 1050 spin off asap. And it's not that I don't like mitchell. I just him the least lol. AND GOD WOMAN. GO wATCH IT. WILL YOU? Im here all suffering and ;_; and you are just postergando lo inevitable and JUST Go wATCH IT ALL. I promise i'll be here for support <333


hauntes March 17 2013, 01:31:28 UTC
I love your being human icons so much. They just always fit the characters so well :)


nyaza March 17 2013, 01:41:22 UTC
And I love doing BH icons, specially with all these feelings. ♥
Thank you!!!!


hauntes March 17 2013, 02:00:55 UTC
Oh I get it. It's all I wanna photoshop lately!


nyaza March 17 2013, 02:17:24 UTC
Yep. me too. it's getting a bit monothematic of my part. but i don't really care LOL.
i hope that means there will be icons of it too!. i still need to cap 5x06, been extremelly busy but i don't know who'll stop me when i do! lol.


absolutelybatty March 17 2013, 07:14:56 UTC
Your cropping is still so astounding, I can't even explain my feelings about it. 46 alone kind of owns my heart. I have plans to start watching this show as well so I'll have to snag it for safe keeping. Plus 44 which is...words cannot describe how perfect that crop is especially coupled with that truly amazing coloring. And you did SO, SO well with the Merlin battle; your set had some of my favorites. 01, 02, 05, 13, 15, 16, 25, and 26 (but, like, 25 absolutely most of all) are all so incredible.

Flawless post, bb! <3


nyaza March 17 2013, 13:47:49 UTC
Awww you are so nice ♥ Oh, please do watch the show, it's gorgeous, painful, funny, clever, everything ♥ So, yey very yey for you wanting to watch it ♥

And thankkkk you ♥ the merlin battle broke my brains. so i'm glad it came out fine ♥

Thanks again ♥


ladymercury_10 March 17 2013, 22:58:38 UTC
Your coloring is lovely. :)


nyaza March 18 2013, 11:34:38 UTC
thank you ♥


beyondbones March 18 2013, 11:12:57 UTC
These are all awesome. I envy your text/font skills! :))


nyaza March 18 2013, 11:34:55 UTC
thanks ♥ (((texttt)))


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