[icons] merlin, being human + more

Mar 16, 2013 11:32

(eng) ok. i had planned to make more icons before posting these, but whatever, let's be over with. most of these were done either for the7days & a merlin battle for theiconquest (which, btw, go watch the results, because there are many pretties there <3). and since rl has started to be a pain again, let's have a fresh start :D

(esp) había pensado en hacer más icons antes de postear, pero ya se han sumado y pensé que mejor sacarlos todos y listo. la mayoría de estos fueron hechos para the7days y para una battle de merlin en theiconquest. dado que la rl está empezando a molestar un poquito, parecía un buen momento para limpiar lo pasadito aquí :D

63 multifandom icons.
fandoms: being human (24), merlin (29), game of thrones (2), firefly (1), eli stone (1), dollhouse (1), life (1), legend of the seeker (1), v (1), kings (1), homeland (1)









being human






game of thrones x2, legend of the seeker, life, kings


firefly, dollhouse, v, homeland


- no hotlinking.
- credit & comments appreciated.
- \o/

tv: homeland, tv: being human, tv: kings, tv: v, tv: dollhouse, comm: the7days, tv: game of thrones, tv: firefly, *graphics: icons, tv: merlin, comm: iconquest, tv: legend of the seeker, tv: eli stone, tv: life

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