Apr 17, 2009 21:20
Has anyone lost/thought they lost something really important and completely freaked out? If not, do you have anything that would cause freak-out IF you lost it?
Just wondering...
Jan 26, 2009 23:14
I took a "which Twilight character are you?" quiz and had to do a tie-breaker between three "Cullens"...and ended up "being" Jasper Cullen. Is Jasper a good thing to be? Or is he disgusting?
Jun 04, 2005 23:31
Hi LJ and LJ readers!
This song always makes me tear up. It's ruining my cheerful mood.
I shall not stay around. I have stuff to say, but it can wait.
May 28, 2005 20:57
Too much then? Too cute? Too pink? Too...sweet?
Not that it matters, 'cause I like. Sorry if it hurts your eyes. Something about the colors make me feel good.
Moody, you said something about toning it down? I looked at that rainbow dealie and even tried it a bit, but only managed to make it look yucky so I put it back.
More later...