A Rite of Initiation for a Doctor Who Fanfic Writer

Jan 28, 2012 23:34

I was just thinking of all the cliches a Doctor Who, specifically a Doctor/Rose fanfic writer can fall into, even when trying to give it a new spin. You know, the reunion!fic, the alt!Doomsday fic, etc.

But as a reader, even if I've seen that same plot line a hundred times before, I actually don't get sick of seeing it! I also feel that as a devotee to the ship, I should write my own set of these lovely but necessary clines!

So, dear and most awesome flist! Help me out! I'm going to write one shots on the following prompts even if I might've written one before (because I just feel like the challenge ok):

1. reunion!fic
2. Alt!Doomsday fic
3. Rose with John in that Series 3 two-parter I can't remember the name of
4. How it should've gone in the Stolen Planet (ie NO DALEK!)

Any others? I might not be able to do them all if I get an overwhelming response but I'll certainly try! :)

fandom: doctor who, challenge, via my ipad, love me!

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