ESCAPADE 25 was awesome!

Mar 09, 2015 19:18

I want to write a "What I Did Last Summer" report, only it's better because it wasn't summer; it was Escapade 25. I had an incredibly good time, which began with getting Killa all to ourselves (and her mad skilz) for a couple of days pre-con. The weekend was a dream: manageable logistics were, friends I hadn't seen in years, the con team which ( Read more... )

convention report, escapadecon, escapade, escapade post-con conventions, fandom

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Comments 2

hardboiledbaby March 11 2015, 07:42:28 UTC
Yay for fandom and friends! So glad you had such a wonderful time :) Also, hi! *waves*


moonlightmead March 12 2015, 11:18:20 UTC

I wish I had made it, but I half-did - friends Skyped me from the con one evening, andone of them was posting daily updates, and I found the twitter feed, and some of the panel write-ups, so it all made me feel I was nearly there! Glad you enjoyed it as well as running it I am in awe - and thank you for all the help (and at the last minute, too!)

PS: my Lulu'd zine arrived yesterday and it looks gorgeous


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