I want to write a "What I Did Last Summer" report, only it's better because it wasn't summer; it was Escapade 25. I had an incredibly good time, which began with getting Killa all to ourselves (and her mad skilz) for a couple of days pre-con. The weekend was a dream: manageable logistics were, friends I hadn't seen in years, the con team which provided fantastic entertainment and commitment, panels that were thought-provoking or funny or re-awakened my inner Pollyanna... and I made a point of gathering together with friends as often as possible.
Then Dorinda read an Almost Human story of mine and highlighted the stuff she liked... and *told me about all of it.* (My embarrassment did not in any way overcome my squee.)
Starandrea gifted a story to me and Escapade that I saw on convention-Monday morning, typically a slightly sad day. (That story definitely made convention-Monday sweeeeeeet!)
Amid seeing all of the people who are the reason we do this (in no particular order and *in no way* a complete list: Jo, Gwyn, Kris, Rachael, Killa, Constance, Franzeska, Misti, Katharine, Smutcutter, Hippydiva, Dorinda, Aral, Nakedbee, Melina, Ken, Dail, Jane M, Snow, Maygra, Kerithwyn, Nate, De, Katharine, Tina, Hatifal, Stranger) and the people I really didn't see nearly enough of (like Nick, Cynthia, Shoshanna, Kandy, Jim, and scores more), I saw myriad new or almost-new faces that made me incredibly happy. And listened to brilliant people.
THEN, I got home and received another story gift from another friend, this one in private email. And we brought Katharine home with us. I'm showing her Common Law today, with Warren Cole and Michael Ealy, so the fannish joy remains a warm glow.
I am very tired. And very happy.
cross-posted from dreamwidth.