Meet the parents

Dec 16, 2007 17:47

Date: Dec. 21, 2001
Time: Early evening
Location: The flat in Romania
Characters Involved: Charlie and Katie Weasley, Mr. and Mrs. Bell
Rating: PG

Meeting the in-laws is far more akward when you're already married. )

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lioninthegarden December 17 2007, 07:41:41 UTC
She smiled as she sat on the bed watching him. She was rubbing Con's ear with her foot as he watched Charlie too. Katie had finally gotten a howler from her mother about running off and getting married and DEMANDING that she bring him home that instant so they could meet their son-in-law. She knew her parents were more upset that she hadn't told them then the fact that she'd gotten married. Her mother had bothered her for years to settle down and get married.

She knew that her brothers were home for the holidays too. She got up off the bed and moved to held him with his tie, "You don't have to wear this if you don't want to, Charlie. They won't think less of you."


charliesdragons December 17 2007, 18:51:04 UTC
"But... shouldn't I look my best when I'm meeting my new inlaws?" he asked, honestly a bit perplexed. He let his hands fall to his sides as soon as she came to help with his tie. He was hopeless with them, and only managed to survive his occational tie-wearing occations by having several in his closet that he'd bribed Bill to pre-tie for him so he could simply slip them over his head. Even at Hogwart's, he'd generally bribed either one of his siblings to pre-tie them with the promise of taking chore duties from them at home, or been able to charm his way into convincing other students to tie them for him if he had to.

"Well, you know them better than I do..." he said, a bit exasperated. "What should I wear then, Love? Is there anything that'll keep those rather large brothers of yours from beating me to a bloody pulp?" he half chuckled. He wasn't entirely kidding. "And what of your Da? Won't he be angry?" he sighed. He should have thought of all of this before running off and marrying her. Of course, Charlie wasn't ( ... )


lioninthegarden December 17 2007, 21:03:13 UTC
She just chuckled as she tied his tie for him and gave him a small kiss. He wasn't the suit and tie type. She didn't need him to be, nor did she wish for her parents to think him something that he was not. "My parents aren't that fussy. I doubt you'll see my da in more then a sweater in his entire life... well there were those few times that mother hogtied him and put a tie and suit on him." she chuckled, "My parents will love you.... they might just not love me for a little while."

She smirked softly at him, "Maybe wear glasses if you have 'em. They won't hit someone with glasses." she teased, "No seriously, Charlie. Brian will be fine... and if you're afraid of Thomas, you're a wuss. He's fourteen." she laughed, "Not to mention horribly vertically challenged."

"They just want to meet you. They aren't going to sacrifice you to a dragon or something, just calm down." she added, giving him another kiss.


charliesdragons December 18 2007, 02:36:37 UTC
"Alright." he nodded, taking the tie and tossing it on the bed. It was quite a relief, actually. "So... one of the jumpers my Mum gave me? Or... something else?" he was clueless. "What shall I wear to make an impression, Love?" he asked, holding out one of Molly Weasley's famous maroon jumpers, this one with a snitch knitted into it.

"I'm not a wuss." he chuckled. "I'd just rather deal with dragon fire than angry parents." he leaned over and kissed her. "So, dress me, Wife. I leave myself in your capable hands." he held his arms out to the side, resigned to allowing her to dress him.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 05:15:41 UTC
Simon had never understood the point of Quidditch, give him a good game of rugby anyday. He sat down and watched the boy. Katie was just looking at him like a moon-brained calf. He didn't miss Katie slipping her hand into his. Well he was glad to see that his little girl was happy. "So you both decided to just run off and get married?" he finally spoke up, his voice was deep, like thunder threatening to break the horizon.

Katie shot a look at her daddy like behave, he's my husband. Katie would go toe to toe with her daddy over something she wanted. She wanted Charlie in their lives and their family, "You are going to marry her proper, right?" he asked with a small frown, "In a church like a good man?"

"Simon, of course she will, she told us that she would." Lora said, nudging her husband with an elbow, but it wasn't easy for a father to give away his baby girl.


charliesdragons December 18 2007, 05:28:30 UTC
Charlie squeezed Katie's hand when she slipped it into his. He smiled over at her before her father spoke.

"Of course we're going to have a regular ceremony... in fact I think we're planning it for sometime in April? May?" he looked over at Katie for confirmation. Charlie didn't really understand churches and all that... his parents weren't particularly religious, but he'd seen some of the abbys around England, and certainly seen the churches in Romania. But whatever it took to make her Da happy. "Of course, Sir... I'd marry her anywhere, anytime. And... I appologize for not asking your permission first. I suppose I was caught up with Katie. I couldn't wait to make her my wife." he said a bit sheepishly, certainly sorry for their exclusion, but never sorry for marrying her. "And I'm a good man, Sir, I swear. I'll do everything I can to support her and love her." he smiled over at Katie, squeezing her hand again.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 05:50:41 UTC
"Well if you make my girl happy then I guess I have to like you, but not until you marry her proper, in a church, understand?" he asked, scowling at the boy, well, it looked like a scowl, it wasn't really a scowl. He was just serious. And he was a big man to be serious ( ... )


charliesdragons December 18 2007, 06:09:00 UTC
"Yes, Sir." he said with a nod, then looked at Katie. "We were married by a minister, properly, Sir. A friend of mine in Romania is one, and he married us. He raised an eyebrow to Katie as she put her foot down about the wedding. He knew they hadn't discussed it too much, but he wasn't sure she should be so snippy with her Da... but who was he to argue, being the new addition to the family and all ( ... )


lioninthegarden December 21 2007, 16:14:09 UTC
Oh no, Katie knew it wouldn't be a 'you stole my little sister' conversation, it would be more along the likes of 'you hurt my little sister, I'll break every bone in your body'. Brian meant well, but he was a bit of a lunk. He was overprotective when he didn't have to be and picked on her in turn. She loved her brothers, but sometimes, she wished she was an only child.

Katie just gave her mum a smile as she watched her brothers settle in, "This is Thomas, he's fifteen and in Gryffindor. And Brian, you know." she said, motioning to each brother in turn.

"Is it true that you wrestle dragons?" Thomas asked, dark eyes all a glitter with absolute fascination. He was a little boy deep down, adventures and such were all he dreamed about, glory and girls. Some small part of all little boys wanted to be knights in shining armor to rescue someone or find treasure and glory, "Do they really eat people and bury treasure?"

"You read too many fairy tales, Thomas." Katie said with a wrinkle of her nose.


charliesdragons December 22 2007, 02:09:10 UTC
Charlie laughed at Thomas's question. "No, no. I don't exactly wrestle them. I study them, I write about them... I've lived in the camps in Romania that're dedicated to their study. And sure enough, they'll eat you if you're not careful!" he chuckled at the stars in Thomas's eyes.

"But they don't like much in the way of treasure. They do occationally steal shiny things from camp, but that's usually the extent of it. And as for people, well, they prefer to just roast them with their fire rather than eating them, but sure, if that's what's around to eat, then it happens."


lioninthegarden December 22 2007, 02:36:07 UTC
"I got to watch Harry Potter steal a dragon's egg!" he said with a bright beam, "I got a photo cube for my birthday!"

Maybe one day, he'd be able to do that! Be a tri-wizarding champion and face off with a giant fire-breathing lizard! That would be the coolest thing ever. Katie just chuckled at her brother, "Hasn't stopped watching that tournament since he got the thing."


charliesdragons December 22 2007, 04:18:35 UTC
Charlie chuckled. "That was quite the day, wasn't it?" he asked with a smile. "Harry did brilliantly with the dragons. I have to admit I wasn't sure he'd do as well as he did, but that's Harry for you. He's a brilliant boy. I was one of the handlers for them." he said with a broad smile. "In fact, the Hungarian Horntail that Harry went against was one of my studies. "Her son is my favourite dragon in the world. His name is Reggie and he's a big baby." he smiled proudly.


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