Meet the parents

Dec 16, 2007 17:47

Date: Dec. 21, 2001
Time: Early evening
Location: The flat in Romania
Characters Involved: Charlie and Katie Weasley, Mr. and Mrs. Bell
Rating: PG

Meeting the in-laws is far more akward when you're already married. )

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charliesdragons December 17 2007, 18:51:04 UTC
"But... shouldn't I look my best when I'm meeting my new inlaws?" he asked, honestly a bit perplexed. He let his hands fall to his sides as soon as she came to help with his tie. He was hopeless with them, and only managed to survive his occational tie-wearing occations by having several in his closet that he'd bribed Bill to pre-tie for him so he could simply slip them over his head. Even at Hogwart's, he'd generally bribed either one of his siblings to pre-tie them with the promise of taking chore duties from them at home, or been able to charm his way into convincing other students to tie them for him if he had to.

"Well, you know them better than I do..." he said, a bit exasperated. "What should I wear then, Love? Is there anything that'll keep those rather large brothers of yours from beating me to a bloody pulp?" he half chuckled. He wasn't entirely kidding. "And what of your Da? Won't he be angry?" he sighed. He should have thought of all of this before running off and marrying her. Of course, Charlie wasn't exactly known for thinking things through.


lioninthegarden December 17 2007, 21:03:13 UTC
She just chuckled as she tied his tie for him and gave him a small kiss. He wasn't the suit and tie type. She didn't need him to be, nor did she wish for her parents to think him something that he was not. "My parents aren't that fussy. I doubt you'll see my da in more then a sweater in his entire life... well there were those few times that mother hogtied him and put a tie and suit on him." she chuckled, "My parents will love you.... they might just not love me for a little while."

She smirked softly at him, "Maybe wear glasses if you have 'em. They won't hit someone with glasses." she teased, "No seriously, Charlie. Brian will be fine... and if you're afraid of Thomas, you're a wuss. He's fourteen." she laughed, "Not to mention horribly vertically challenged."

"They just want to meet you. They aren't going to sacrifice you to a dragon or something, just calm down." she added, giving him another kiss.


charliesdragons December 18 2007, 02:36:37 UTC
"Alright." he nodded, taking the tie and tossing it on the bed. It was quite a relief, actually. "So... one of the jumpers my Mum gave me? Or... something else?" he was clueless. "What shall I wear to make an impression, Love?" he asked, holding out one of Molly Weasley's famous maroon jumpers, this one with a snitch knitted into it.

"I'm not a wuss." he chuckled. "I'd just rather deal with dragon fire than angry parents." he leaned over and kissed her. "So, dress me, Wife. I leave myself in your capable hands." he held his arms out to the side, resigned to allowing her to dress him.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 02:43:21 UTC
She just laughed at him, he really was so silly. She simply unbuttoned the top couple of buttons on his shirt and let him be, "Well enough." she said with a small smile, "My parents will be fine, though my da.... he is quite intimidating... he's really tall and..... well as my last boyfriend described him, a brick wall with feet."

She smoothed her hand down his chest and smiled to him, "You really don't have to worry. I will protect you from my big scary da. And Brian. Thomas.... he's too wiley, you're on your own with him."


charliesdragons December 18 2007, 02:56:57 UTC
"A brick wall with feet?" he raised an eyebrow. "That sounds interesting... though.." he shrugged, leaning over and kissing her. "I'd do anything for you, including facing your brick wall with feet of a father. You dealt with my Mum... that was above and beyond the call of wifely duty." he chuckled.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I'm not too worried. Nervous, yes, but worried? No, not really. I figure that I likely deserve any anger they may have towards me. After all, I should have asked your Da for your lovely hand in marriage. I didn't, and so I deserve it. I'll take whatever they have to say." he kissed her cheek softly. "Because I love you, and don't regret marrying you quickly, or any other way." he whispered, hugging her closer.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 03:04:41 UTC
She smiled and reached her hands up and ran her fingers through her hair, "Don't be nervous. They will love you because I love you." she said with that bright smile.

"Besides, if they give you boo-boos, I can kiss them better later." she giggled, leaning up and kissing him,glad that he would take this for her. She had dealt with Molly Weasley. He could deal with Simon Bell. Never had been a less aptly named man.


charliesdragons December 18 2007, 03:15:31 UTC
"Alright, so are we all set?" he asked with a smile, kissing her one last time. "I think I have everything we need, right?" he asked, looking around the flat to make sure he had his wand, his walet, pocket change and a few other things he always kept in his pockets. "Think we'll need cloaks or coats or anything?" he wondered, not quite sure where in England his new inlaws lived.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 03:18:48 UTC
"Coats would probably be smart. It's cold this time of year, well more wind then anything else." she said, moving to get her coat. She nudged her dog with her foot, "Come on, you great oaf. Brian said he had to see you too." she said as she clipped the leash on the dog's collar.

Con stretched and got up as they headed for the floo. The dog's tail was wagging as Katie led him and Charlie through the floo. The floo on the otherside led into an interesting foyer. It was a mix between magical and muggle. It had a nice broken down couch and recliner that looked soooo comfortable. "MAMA!" she hollared as they got through the floo, "We're here!"


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 03:20:26 UTC
Thomas' stockinged feet came pounding down the stairs when he heard his sister's voice. It was like a herd of rubmling elephants. "Katie! Da brought me a broom back from Finland!" he beamed and grabbed Con's leash to tug the dog off.

"Mum and Da are outside talking to Bri." he added as he led off the dog.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 03:23:06 UTC
Brian heard his sister's hollar sure as shooting. She'd never been a quiet kid. He just chuckled and shot a look to his dad, like, can I make mince meat of Weasley? Just the idea of his sister being married was hard enough to deal with, but to a Weasley? She deserved to be teased to high heaven that all of her children were going to be red-headed midgets with devils for tempers.

He walked into the house in front of his father and mother. They had been talking about Christmas, couldn't very well talk Christmas in front of the kid. He was like a damn ping pong ball when it came to Christmas. But he was a good kid. "Well look who it is, the runaway bride." Brian said with a small smirk, the smirk he shared with his sister.


charliesdragons December 18 2007, 03:46:10 UTC
Charlie smiled weakly as Brian came wandering in. He vaguely remembered him from school, and oh, Merlin, he was bigger than he remembered. He took a deep breath. This was going to be fun... he smiled at the younger one as he took Con... what was his name again? He knew he should know this, but he was just too nervous. He fumbled nervously with his wedding ring, a firm reminder of exactly why he was subjecting himself to this.

He ventured a look up at Brian. "'Ello again, Brian. It's been a long time." It's been a long time? Moron! Way to make an impression, Charlieboy.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 03:53:20 UTC
"Long enough for you to come in and steal away my baby sister, huh Weasley?" he asked, arching a brow at the only slightly younger man. Yes, he was bigger then he'd been at 17. He had years of training, physical conditioning and such.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 03:54:00 UTC
"He didn't steal me, Brian." Katie growled and resisted the urge to sock her brother in the chest. The big stupid! He didn't have the right to make Charlie squirm like that.


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 03:56:21 UTC
"Alright the lot of you, enough teasing." Lora said as she came into the room with her husband. She was petite compared to her husband, but it was easy to see where Katie got her looks from. She chuckled at her children. "Thomas! Come downstairs and meet your sister's husband!"

She knew that he was off somewhere with that infernal monster her daughter called a dog. No doubt his tail was knocking something over already.

Simon Bell was very much a blue collar man. He had worked hard his whole life and looked at the man that was standing with his daughter. He didn't smile, but he didn't frown either. He instantly knew that Katie was happy. He knew his Katie-did, but at the same time, he was miffed that she'd just run off and not let him walk her down the aisle.


charliesdragons December 18 2007, 04:08:29 UTC
Charlie looked squarely at Brian. "She's right, I didn't steal her. It's called sweeping her off her feet." he smirked. He couldn't help but be a bit cheeky. He knew what Brian was trying to do, trying to intimidate him, and he wasn't having it. Charlie wanted to be respectful to her family, but he certainly wasn't one to be intimidated. He'd faced down dragons, after all! What was one pissed off brother?

The moment Charlie saw her Mum and Da, he stepped forward, extending his hand respectfully to her Father. "Sir..." he said with a small smile, then nodded to her Mum. "Ma'am." He could tell a fellow working class man when he saw one. "Charlie Weasley. It's a pleasure to meet you both."


lioninthegarden December 18 2007, 04:12:55 UTC
Brian just folded his arms and watched Weasley play the butt-kissing card with the parents. He wasn't as impressed as his mother seemed to be at Katie's choice. The Weasleys were good people, but his sister deserved the best. He watched Katie though and had to admit, he hadn't seen her so happy in a long time. At least it wasn't that git Wood.

Katie smiled to her parents as her father shook his hand, a good strong grip. Lora wasn't one for hand shakes. She just hugged Charlie and beamed at him, "So, this is the boy that got our Kate to settle down? Well aren't you just a handsome one?"

Katie just blushed brightly at her mother, "Mama...." she said, a warning ton in her voice. There was not a need for her mother to get all mushy on them, nor to embarrass her.

Thomas tumbled down the stairs with Con right behind her and there was a distinct crash of something getting side swiped by dog tail to the floor.


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