He'll come away completely changed by the crash, and will pierce his left ear, his belly button, and possibly his tongue. Though we'll never find out 'cause he'll never ever get to 1st base ever agaaainnn.
I totally showed the "Original Prankster" vid to the kids today. They were astounded and agog. By that I mean they blinked.
Fookin lumps. ^^
Whatcha want for dinnerrrrrrr? I dunno, I dunno. Man, I want ramen. Wanna go to IchiRyu? Or Kuishin? If it doesn't fookin, eh, rain on us. Plus I have to fuck with another stupid worksheet and have it done tonight. AUGH! Tiiiiired.
Or on second thought I can just make spaghetti and call it a night. *slump*
Mrawwww....I wish those dudes had finished their Heterosexual Man vids already. I wish that stupid DVD were comin out in July instead of stupid Sept. I wish I wish I wish I did not have this "My Little Pony" song stuck in my head.
Holy shit, speaking of accessories, apparently Kripke did a Q&A at come con somewhere, and when asked about Dean's necklace, he said "Yes, it is significant and we will get to that in the future."
Someone also asked him if it was important that Dean's eyes bled in Bloody Mary, and he said YES, very important, and I'll get to it LATER.
When, Erik? When is later, exactly? During season 5? Would that be before or after the musical???
-why does sams laptop work everywhereeeeeeeeeeeeee
If he's anything as good at hacking as he is picking locks, he can probably crack the passwords on local wireless networks. (How smart is he now?) Although I seriously doubt anyone in the middle of colorado rockies has even heard of a wireless. 9_9
Tell your bra to save himself. It's too late for usss. ^__^
Tell your bra to save himself. It's too late for usss. ^__^
*wasn't just watchin' "Hello, Goodbye" for Ben inspired Alec Angst so this $#%##*&@@! fic will be over with*
Max: I'm sorry I let you loose out on the world...I'm leaving you here for White to deal with...
Alec: *trembling eyes* But-but-but..
Wait just a fuckin' second... Necklace?! And the eye bleed WASN'T just some shitty plot hole?!
Oh Eric. I could just blow ya...
p.s. Yeah Chaz, when my Friend Jen said Dean would do his dirty wash in the sink and he'd never lower himself to go to a coin-mat thingie I thought...huh. I dunno... Dean is pretty vain. For some reason. He's got his hot ring, and his necklace!ofDoom and his sporty jock leather bands... And if this was 1984, he'd have a Mike Anothony Hall right ear stud.... Ha! HA! Omg he would.
Mmmmm. Sexy backstory. Thank you Kripke for promising us meaningful speculation fodder. Thank you for not pulling this tale of hawt drama out of yer arse. We can tell, oh yeah, we can.
Meh. Ear stud. That is so New Kids.
I don't wanna be here. I wanna be writing ficccc. I don't wanna work. I wanna be writing Alec.
Comments 17
It's true. Dean does accessorize. Maybe in Season 2 the writers'll throw Sammich a hemp bracelet or whatever.
tie-dye do rag! WOOO!
AUGH! My eyyyyessss!
I totally showed the "Original Prankster" vid to the kids today. They were astounded and agog. By that I mean they blinked.
Fookin lumps. ^^
Whatcha want for dinnerrrrrrr? I dunno, I dunno. Man, I want ramen. Wanna go to IchiRyu? Or Kuishin? If it doesn't fookin, eh, rain on us. Plus I have to fuck with another stupid worksheet and have it done tonight. AUGH! Tiiiiired.
Or on second thought I can just make spaghetti and call it a night. *slump*
Mrawwww....I wish those dudes had finished their Heterosexual Man vids already. I wish that stupid DVD were comin out in July instead of stupid Sept. I wish I wish I wish I did not have this "My Little Pony" song stuck in my head.
Someone also asked him if it was important that Dean's eyes bled in Bloody Mary, and he said YES, very important, and I'll get to it LATER.
When, Erik? When is later, exactly? During season 5? Would that be before or after the musical???
-why does sams laptop work everywhereeeeeeeeeeeeee
If he's anything as good at hacking as he is picking locks, he can probably crack the passwords on local wireless networks. (How smart is he now?) Although I seriously doubt anyone in the middle of colorado rockies has even heard of a wireless. 9_9
Tell your bra to save himself. It's too late for usss. ^__^
*wasn't just watchin' "Hello, Goodbye" for Ben inspired Alec Angst so this $#%##*&@@! fic will be over with*
Max: I'm sorry I let you loose out on the world...I'm leaving you here for White to deal with...
Alec: *trembling eyes* But-but-but..
Wait just a fuckin' second... Necklace?! And the eye bleed WASN'T just some shitty plot hole?!
Oh Eric. I could just blow ya...
Yeah Chaz, when my Friend Jen said Dean would do his dirty wash in the sink and he'd never lower himself to go to a coin-mat thingie I thought...huh. I dunno... Dean is pretty vain. For some reason.
He's got his hot ring, and his necklace!ofDoom and his sporty jock leather bands... And if this was 1984, he'd have a Mike Anothony Hall right ear stud.... Ha! HA! Omg he would.
Chaz check yer mail... like today...!
Meh. Ear stud. That is so New Kids.
I don't wanna be here. I wanna be writing ficccc. I don't wanna work. I wanna be writing Alec.
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