work work work no time to spend my moneyyyyyyyyyy ^^ yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
it was one of those days that eh you could never catch up and then right when you thought you had 100 new troubles appear all at once and everyone thinks their problem is the most important ^^ i actually resorted to putting numbers in my hat so everyone knew i wasn't fooking being a nazi fooktard a44hat that was ignoring themmmmmmmmmmm heh
figurz the lady i helped first had the least fooking pressing problem evar but hey yo hey i dont think those guys had seen me get eh that eh edgy before so they backed off a little bit heh maybe next time they wouldn't try to gang rape me again while im already shagging a44 to do what they asked an hour agoooooooooo i only have 2 hands people ^^
blarr bleh ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
-dean acessorises
sam does not and eh that makes me laugh ^^
-just how many boifriends did john have and get dumped by break up with anyway ^^ none of his hunting friends were womennnn
-why does sams laptop work everywhereeeeeeeeeeeeee
-if sam is supposed to be the nice brooding one why is he always the biggest fooking jerk ^^ z0mg sammichhhhhhhhh you are such a fooking jerk0ff in scarecrow
my new favourite ep in rotation is now scarecrow w00t sammich jerk epz r0ck
-eh how do they pay their mobile bills? lol
bra says im going to need an intervention soon ^^
soon? eh i think hes too late heh
*sells flowers on the side of the road at robots and wears a metallicar hoodie*
happy birthdayyyyyyy
urdsama &
z0mg im tired