((apologies, gang - I forgot this didn't actually get posted))
+ Make sure you have joined the community and have read
the rules before you sign up
+ This round, you're simply signing up. There will be no claims and you are allowed to use ANY pictures, so long as they are in character
+ Signups will be open for the entire round
+ If you are not going to be able to get your icons submitted by the due date, or need to withdraw from the round for any reason, please let a mod know
+ Extensions will be offered, as needed
+ Unless otherwise stated, round closes on April 30 May 11
Round 20 participants:
01 - crucified
02 - sandy79
03 - stydia
04 - emmatheslayer
05 - csichick_2
06 - halliwell
07 -
08 -
09 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
14 -
15 -
16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 -
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25 -
Username Country Theme Suggestions