Round 20 Rules:
Signups are open for the entire round.
+ Icons must be made originally for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted. If it is found that you do submit previous work, you will be disqualified from the next challenge.
+ All work must be your own, not someone else's.
+ Make sure all images are PG-rated. Meaning no nudity, etc.
+ Icons must fit the LiveJournal standard (under 40 kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif, or .jpg file format).
+ When posting the finished set, please leave up to three (3) icon examples outside the cut and/or link to the icon post in your journal.
+ Please post the completed icons at one time.
+ The icon post must be unlocked for two reasons: #1 We need to be able to see your entries to post voting, and, #2 so people don't have to join to view your icons. (If they do join, it's a perk for you)
+ PleaseDO NOT submit your icons to this post.
+ Entries are moderated; mods will accept them as soon as possible.
+ Please use the provided table to post your icons for convenience. (You may change the colors/fonts of the table if you wish)
+ Please DO NOT tag your entries. The mods will take care of that. :)
+ Please DO add a subject to your post: Round 20 - your username
+ Completed 20 are due April 30, at 2pm EST. [
For this -- our 20th round -- we've decided to do something special.
For this round there are no themes, category, or artist's choice.
You'll be iconing any 20 icons you want to make. You can icon one subject, you can icon several. The choice is really up to you.
There's only one stipulation. They've got to be characters -- tv, movie, etc.
When we vote in the end, we'll be voting by sets.
The table below is blank, just numbered 1-20.
And, a textbox for the code. Feel free to edit colors, fonts, etc, as you wish.
#01 | #02 | #03 | #04 | #05 |
| | | | |
#06 | #07 | #08 | #09 | #10 |
| | | | |
#11 | #12 | #13 | #14 | #15 |
| | | | |
#16 | #17 | #18 | #19 | #20 |
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