003 {xxxHOLiC Blogcrew ♦ "19sai"}

Aug 02, 2009 11:39

like a black swallowtail butterfly...
「 xxxHOLiC ××× CLAIM HERE 」

01♦ One claim per user, seven users per claim.
02♦ Strikethrough indicates that the claim is full, sorry.
03♦ Include "April 1st" somewhere in your subject line so I know you've read the rules~ SORRY I REALIZE THESE THINGS ARE OBNOXIOUS. But it makes things a lot easier for me when I'm looking through my e-mail notifications. :<
04♦ Not a rule of course, but please watch the community if you'd like to. ♥


like a black swallowtail butterfly...
「 xxxHOLiC ××× CLAIM HERE 」
like a black swallowtail butterfly...
「 xxxHOLiC ××× http://community.livejournal.com/char_charmander/1264.html" _fcksavedurl="http://a href">CLAIM HERE 」

like a black swallowtail butterfly. . .
like a black swallowtail butterfly. . .
「xxxHOLiC ××× http://community.livejournal.com/char_charmander/1264.html" _fcksavedurl="http://a href">CLAIM HERE」

[7/7] Kimihiro Watanuki ♦ kuri_ku_ku, junoirmint, nr_icons, bottledenigma, mafiamadame, monobright, defteros
[7/7] Yuuko Ichihara ♦ kirkland, nekoi_ecihzen, akagi, _mrowr, grass_angel, pinkalchemy, pink_for_flower
[5/7] Shizuka Doumeki ♦ yamazaki_inc, sever29, oceansex, nebulia, g3kkei
[4/7] Himawari Kunogi ♦ lithographic, meirin, heymisspan, killerpancake
[5/7] Mokona ♦ peekaydee, adalimina, xaixin, miyozari, lyricalwishes
[1/7] Maru ♦ instrument
[1/7] Moro ♦ pyol
[1/7] Kohane Tsuyuri ♦ morr_chan
[3/7] Ame-Warashi ♦ misao15, spurnedambition, kitsuneasika
[3/7] Zashiki-Warashi ♦ shoats, 3kame, clymnestra
[2/7] Mugetsu ♦ fetterless / izanagi_mori
[1/7] Haruka Doumeki ♦ thekiwikitten
[1/7] Tanpopo ♦ illusioncandy

fandom: xxxholic, !blogcrew, fandom: clamp

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