Title: 5 wishes Ueda made and one that actually came true
chaoticempathRating: PG-13?
Summary: Written for
shangrilove's TATSUYA-THON, using the prompt of: 5 wishes Tatsuya made and one that came true. (well, ok, I fudged it a bit to suit me. *giggles*) Haven't you ever made a wish you hoped would come true?
Ueda wishes he'd never been put into KAT-TUN... )
Comments 25
It's good! Really good. The Ryoda. And Ueda being able to box and save Jin's ass. Not to mention he's the adorable sane one in the group. <3333
Will link this as soon as i figure out how to do multiple lj cuts.
Hmm..almost done with my first one though~ I just have to do number 5 of it and I'll be done..then maybe I'll do another one..or one of my christmas fics. xDD
I'm almost done my second one and it's annnnnnnnnnnnnngsty as hell. *smirks* I ish eeeeebil. But y'all love me anyway, ne. *teases*
I've completed 2 of them..and geeze I want to write a 3rd now..evil prompts are so tempting~
And yes we love you anyways! ^^
It's good that Ueda's a positive thinker. ;]
That last one... LOL.
RyoDa here is priceless. I guess you could say Ryo is one wish that was perfect ^___^
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