Title: 5 wishes Ueda made and one that actually came true
chaoticempathRating: PG-13?
Summary: Written for
shangrilove's TATSUYA-THON, using the prompt of: 5 wishes Tatsuya made and one that came true. (well, ok, I fudged it a bit to suit me. *giggles*) Haven't you ever made a wish you hoped would come true?
Ueda wishes he'd never been put into KAT-TUN... )
Comments 25
I could requote the entire thing back at you but I won't. xDDD It was hilarious and thank you for this xDD <333
Things could have been much worse; he could have been born MatsuJun instead.
*can't breathe* ...too busy laughing...
intent on beating the crap out of Jin, who is currently hiding behind him with a terrified expression on his face.
I can SOOO totally imagine that ♥
He also wishes that he didn't look quite so girly as the boyfriend gives up after taking one look at him and goes away, muttering something about not hitting girls.
Sometimes Ueda looks a little too much like a girl XD
resulted in Ryo gaining a boyfriend (Ueda) and Pin getting tied to their respective beds and tortured by Ryo and Ueda until they couldn't sit down.
agfgdgsgd Bondage.
And the last part was completely sdfdfafasf *flail*
Things could have been much worse; he could have been born MatsuJun instead.
Hidoi na~! >.
Ryo is love <3 Ueda's sanity is so refreshing.
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