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Comments 108

THE RAVEN BOYS THREAD chaosmaka February 11 2016, 12:15:46 UTC


HEY, TIGER! chaosmaka February 12 2016, 06:41:16 UTC
Good morning everyone!

It’s only 8am-ish and I’m tired and I’m at work and I need to get work done before I can troll so here’s just my shallow thought for now:



RE: HEY, TIGER! luisadeza February 12 2016, 09:00:06 UTC
Good morning! ♥

A tiger in the sheets? Or is he just afraid Adam will bite off his hand the next time he offers to pay something for him? ;)


RE: HEY, TIGER! chaosmaka February 12 2016, 10:00:21 UTC

Probably both. I hope he never stops calling Adam all these wonderful names. Brb drowning in Gansey/Adam fics for now.


THE DREAM THIEVES THREAD chaosmaka February 11 2016, 12:16:28 UTC


Ronan's secrets chaosmaka March 4 2016, 06:44:47 UTC
Ronan's second secret was Adam Parrish.
It was hard not to stare at the odd and elegant lines of his face.



Re: Ronan's secrets luisadeza March 4 2016, 10:24:18 UTC
OMG OMG OMG!!! ♥_____♥
That's all I got.

No, not really. I need Adam to reciprocate like yesterday, while I know at the same time that he has so much else going on right now. I'm sure they would be good for each other though!
Like, Gansey and Blue talk about how they grew up loved and Adam never had it, and I don't think he ever felt wanted in his life, just for being himself. He seems to think he'll have to achieve things, become a "better" Adam so he'll be worth something, so he'll deserve people caring about him. And he thinks he has to do all of it by himself because he's always had to rely on himself for everything.
And Ronan just goes and helps him nevertheless, paying part of his rent, but he understands how Adam can't just accept it and makes sure to give him plausible deniability because he knows how Adam works somehow while Gansey and Blue still struggle with it, and it's perfect and I need more of them.

Sorry, that got rambly fast.


RE: Re: Ronan's secrets chaosmaka March 4 2016, 13:47:39 UTC
I think so too. They would be really good for each other and maybe, just maybe we'll get lucky ;) Or well, they get lucky.
I agree completely. It actually made me really sad when they came to realise that Adam was never truly loved before. Somehow it made me sad that it took them so long to understand why he is the way he is because he doesn't know what it's like to be loved and rely on other people.


BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE THREAD chaosmaka February 11 2016, 12:17:29 UTC


FAN WORK INSPIRATION chaosmaka February 11 2016, 13:55:09 UTC
If you have any fic, art, music, video,... ideas/fills/prompts, feel free to post them here :) ♥


Neil Lynch background fic - spoilers! luisadeza February 12 2016, 09:34:34 UTC
I kind of want it?

For starters fic about Gansey first getting to know Ronan and being around Neil, telling him about Glendower and the ley line. Surely he must've known things. How much time did Gansey spend with the Lynches? What was Ronan like back then?

And then I can't help wondering about his background. We know there are more dream thieves and the ones we learned about seem to have European ancestry (is there mythology I'm missing?). How and why did they come to Virginia?

It just seems like there's so much to explore...


RE: Neil Lynch background fic - spoilers! chaosmaka February 12 2016, 09:58:29 UTC
...I think you should be the one to write it JFJDFJLKDFJS.

Also, do you mean Niall Lynch by any chance or are we having a crossover with Neil Josten -which I do not mind AT ALL, just saying ;)

I'd be all over background Ronan fic. Whenever I think of it I think about how Gansey still knows what Ronan smelled like when he still lived in the Barns, my heart, be still.

They probably came to Virginia on the ley line? (ahem.)

Anyway, please to add the music and poetry obsession that is Niall Lynch? (so hot.)



RE: Neil Lynch background fic - spoilers! luisadeza February 12 2016, 10:08:24 UTC
Oh, I want to! But maybe after my exam?

LOL! I knew I would mess up with all the Neil/Nialls some time!
(Probably didn't help that I was reading more Foxhole Court this morning). Now, a crossover! Although Ronan meeting Andrew is something I would be a little scharest scared about!

Oh God, those little glimpses are killing me. Even though I also love present Ronan a lot. Just maybe a little less pain would be great?

That's what I was thinking. But did they come with Glendower? Were they there before?

Oh oh! Definitely! Those are very important aspects!


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