The Raven Cycle - Book Club

Feb 11, 2016 13:13

Banner made by the most awesome luisadeza

Hello there lovelies,

the time has come, we’re about to start our The Raven Cycle read-along tomorrow. :)
I hope you’re all as excited as I am and ready to talk about everything that is Raven Boys. ♥

If you’re confused what I’m talking about, please go over here to check out what we’ve been up to.

Just so you don’t have to check two posts I’ll copy the schedule/rules again


Now - February 11th: Time to (re)read The Raven Boys.
February 12th: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS! SPAM! SQUEE! WEEP! …for as long as you want to.

Now - March 3rd: Time to (re)read The Dream Thieves.
March 4th: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS! SPAM! SQUEE! WEEP! …for as long as you want to.

Now - March 24th: Time to (re)read Blue Lily, Lily Blue.
March 25th: SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS! SPAM! SQUEE! WEEP! …for as long as you want to.
Please note that we will postpone this reread to April 22nd!

Please make sure to write “Spoilers” in the subject line if you are talking about future books that aren’t to be discussed yet.

If you have any questions or requests, please let me know :)

But most of all: Have fun, respect other opinions, be nice to each other, spread the word, bring your friends, bring all the cider, chocolate & mint leaves and let’s get started! EXCELSIOR! ♥

ley lines, bmw, i've been dead for 7 years, monmouth manufacturing, noah bb, home shit home, what happened in wales stays in wales, the raven cycle, i can't do tags now, book club, gansey - that's all there is, books, magician, adam lizard son parrish, what if we run away to cabeswater, dreams, chainsaw you crazy bird, ugly boat shoes, ronan fucking lynch, for the love of... parrish, what do you know about welsh kings?, i took chainsaw out of my dreams, glendower, camaro, k., excelsior, i can't believe it!, the pig, fuck yeah, greywaren, nino's, the trees speak latin, elegant adam, blue, bump knuckles, what what what, lonesome, henrietta, dying is a boring side effect, richard gansey the third, coca cola t-shirt guy, tiger

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