icon coloring#1

Dec 30, 2008 11:30

one of you asked me which icon coloring I used for the last bunch of icons..
well, I don't follow any icon coloring from nowhere, I just work with selective colours+saturation,
I only adjust them for the image. so I guess if you try this on another image it will be nasty xD
here it is an example: I worked on an image like this.
so.. I'm trying :)

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icon colorings

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Comments 13

francivusk December 30 2008, 12:26:16 UTC
Thank youuuu <333 when you posted your icons i was asking everyone how could i do that coloring! xD
Really thank you **


chaos_imsystem December 30 2008, 14:03:42 UTC
ma tu sei italiana! io ti conosco! XD cioè so chi sei! O.o
ok basta la smetto o ti spavento ^v^ comunque sono contenta che ti piaccia la colorazione, credo che vada bene solo per determinate immagini però XD


francivusk December 30 2008, 17:30:54 UTC
*parte Momenti di Gloria*
*le corre incontro lungo la spiaggia*

eh si sono alquanto famosa <3 xDD
grazie mille per il tutorial comunque *annuisce* tanto ho scoperto che non posso farlo perchè ho Gimp e non PS ._____."


chaos_imsystem December 30 2008, 20:00:28 UTC
peccato ç.ç
*muore di disperazione*


liebmichth December 30 2008, 18:04:37 UTC
WOO! That was me who asked i believe!

So you just pretty much make your own selective coloring right?


chaos_imsystem December 30 2008, 20:01:08 UTC
yeah that was you *-*
yeah sure I always make them by myself <3


(The comment has been removed)

chaos_imsystem January 1 2009, 19:28:11 UTC
ma fa schifo! XD comunque farò l'action, solo che perdo sempre il tutorial, accidentaccio! XDDDDD


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