icon coloring#1

Dec 30, 2008 11:30

one of you asked me which icon coloring I used for the last bunch of icons..
well, I don't follow any icon coloring from nowhere, I just work with selective colours+saturation,
I only adjust them for the image. so I guess if you try this on another image it will be nasty xD
here it is an example: I worked on an image like this.
so.. I'm trying :)

we will make an awsome icon only with selective colours.
made with Photoshop CS2
from this →
   to this →

REDS: -100; 0; -13; +96;
YELLOWS: -100; -33; -100; +93;
CYAN: +100; 0; -100; +76;
WHITES: 0; 0; 0; -100;
NEUTRALS: +17; 0; -11; -13;
press "ok".

REDS: -100; 0; +35; +23;
YELLOWS: -100; 0; -52; -51;

but if you want to add some cyan feel free to do it!
usually I finish my work with some luminescent circles textures, but you can do them all alone by just making a new Level, taking a little circle brush and making a good blur.
enjoy :)


icon colorings

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