Jan 01, 2010 14:25

Wow. The city is so beautiful at night. The different colored lights coming from the stores, the stars shining brightly in the night sky, and the full moon are so beautiful. Kotomi thought as she looked all around her; on the displays on every shop window she passed, and on the different people who surrounded her.

She was nearing the end of the shopping district when a couple fighting caught her attention. She was so focused on them that she didn’t notice the men ahead of her until she walked into them. Her right shoulder hit one of the men’s arm, knocking his burger out of his hand.

Kotomi automatically turned to the person she hit. “Ah, gomen-nasai (I’m sorry).” She said to the person.

When she bowed, she saw his dropped burger and felt guilty about wasting someone’s food. “Hontou gomen (I’m really sorry).” She added.  “I’ll pay for your burger sir.” She said as she straightened up.

“Pay for it?” He asked, eyeing her speculatively.

“Ha-hai.” She answered nervously. She didn’t like the look that came into his eyes as they roved all over her body.

“Hmm. How exactly?”

“With money sir. How much did it cost?” She asked as she took out her wallet.

“Iie. I don’t want you to pay me. Instead, why don’t we have a bit of fun together?”

Kotomi started backing away from him, but ended up bumping into his friends. They held her by her shoulders, their grip unbreakable.

“Our friend says he wants to have fun with you instead of taking your money. You should be thankful you don’t have to pay him, besides, you owe him at least that.” One of them said.

“E-eh?” Kotomi exclaimed.

“This way gorgeous.” The man she owed said.

“Cho-cho-chotto matte (wait). I’ll just pay for it. Really, it’s no bother.” She insisted.

“It’s a bother to me. Now come on.” He said, grabbing her hand and pulling her with him.

“No! Let me go!” Kotomi said, struggling in his grip.

“Stop struggling!” He said, gripping harder.

“Ah. It hurts. Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!”

“Shut up!”

“The lady said, LET GO.” Someone suddenly said from behind them.

When she turned, she saw it was the guy she bumped into the other day.

He had a stony expression as he walked toward her. When he was beside her, he calmly grabbed her aggressor’s wrist and clamped hard until the man let her go from the pain.

“Who do you think you are? Huh?” The man said, nursing his hurt wrist.

“It’s none of your business who I am. Now SCRAM!” He said to the men, his eyes murderous.

When they saw that bloodlust in his eyes, they ran as if their pants were on fire.

“Arigatou gozaimasu (Thank you).” Kotomi said to him warily. She was a bit scared of the look in his eyes too.

“No problem.” He said, smiling down at her.


changmin love story

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