Jan 01, 2010 14:43

“Want to eat something? I’m kina hungry.” He asked her.

“Uh, sure.” Kotomi answered.

The two of them ended up in a café named ‘Maid Latte’. It was a popular cosplay café in the city where all the employees were female and dressed up as maids. As can be expected from this type of café, the regular customers were boys.

“Okairi nasai ojo-sama, goshujin-sama (welcome home milady, master).” One of the maids greeted them. It was their standard greeting to their customers.

“Table for two?” She asked.

“Hai. If possible, one in the corner.” He answered.

“As you wish goshujin-sama. This way please.”

She led us to a table in the corner and gave us menus once we were seated.

“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Honoka, you may call me Honoka-chan. Have you decided on what to order?”

“Hai. One Fruity Blueberry Twist Parfait for me.” Kotomi answered.

“Brownie Hot Fudge Parfait for me.” He answered. “And one Moe Moe Omelet Rice.”

“Okay. One Fruity Blueberry Twist Parfait, one Brownie Hot Fudge Parfait, and one Moe Moe Omelet Rice. Is that all ojo-sama, goshujin-sama?” Honoka asked.

They nodded.

“For a moment ojo-sama, goshujin-sama.” She said, and then she turned and left to get our orders.

They waited in silence for their order, watching the maids interact with the other customers.

“So, what’s your name?” He asked, breaking the silence.

Kotomi looked up from her cup and answered him, “Ichinose Kotomi.”

“Ichinose-san. My name’s Changmin, Shim Changmin.”


“He nodded then asked, “You go to the same University I do, right? What are you taking up?”

She nodded and answered, “Marine Biology. You?”

“Architectural Engineering.”

“So you’re good at drawing?”

“Yup. Want to see some of my designs?”

“Hai.” She said, smiling.

They talked some more, learning about each other and talking about some of the professors they had in common.

Changmin and Kotomi ceased talking for a moment as Honoka placed their orders on the table.

“What do you wish me to write on your Moe Moe Omelet Rice ojo-sama, goshujin-sama?” Honoka asked, ketchup in hand.

“Couple.” Changmin answered.

Couple? Kotomi thought. I wonder why.

“As you wish goshujin-sama.” Honoka said as she wrote the word on the omelet rice using the ketchup. “Enjoy your meal.” She said once she was done, then left them alone.

They began eating in silence, Changmin cutting the omelet rice in half and offering the other half to Kotomi.

He broke the silence that settled on them by pointing at a table occupied by two men and creating a pseudo-conversation that’s supposedly going on between the two men. The pseudo-conversation was basically the men professing their love for one another. Kotomi giggled. Changmin even tried to change his voice to match the so-called ‘atmosphere’.

As the night came to an end, Changmin asked for Kotomi’s mobile number.

“What for?” She asked.

“Just for something.” Was all he answered.

Kotomi recited her number and Changmin punched it in his mobile phone. He placed his phone back in his pocket once he was done.

“So, see you.” He said, smiling.

“See you.” She answered, smiling at him too.

A/N: Sooooo, that's chapter 2...Hope you guys enjoyed the way, the name of the cafe - Maid Latte - and the name of our waitress Honoka-chan is from the anime Kaichou wa maid-sama...It's an anime I'm currently addicted tell me what you think...^^

changmin love story

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