meme 02

May 29, 2011 05:05


ABOUT: OK, here's how this is gonna go! Post a comment (preferably with your character's name and canon), and then others will tag you with the beginnings of a h/c scenario! If you have a preference, specify whether or not you'd like your character to be the hurt party or the comforting party.

The scenario in your thread can be whatever you wish, but here are some suggestions utilizing the random number generator!

RNG MODE: Now with extra options! Roll a number, 1-10, and go with the scenario you get! (This is optional, so there's no pressure to use the RNG suggestions if you don't want to! At that, feel free to pick and choose from the suggestions at your leisure.)

1. INJURY: Maybe a tiger bit you in the arm, maybe you got attacked by some douchebag with a knife, who knows? The point is, you're hurt and probably bleeding! Better do something before that gets infected. Severity of the injury is up to you, from a papercut to outright guro.

2. SICKNESS: So much for that amazing immune system of yours. Cold? Flu? Some rare illness only one in thirty million people ever get? You've caught something. Chicken noodle soup, anyone? Or, you know, a trip to the hospital. Depends.

3. FEAR/ANXIETY: You're terrified! Don't ask me why, though. You just are. (Unless that tiger from example one is back and it's staring you down...) Hyperventilation! Trembling! Sweating! The works. How unpleasant for you.

4. LOSS OF SENSES: Perfect eyesight? Godlike hearing? Say goodbye to those! Sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell are all fair game here. And though it's not exactly a 'sense', 'ability to speak' will be added under this umbrella too.

5. DESPAIR/DEPRESSION: Nothing is beautiful and everything hurts. You feel helpless and hopeless! This sudden sorrow came from nowhere and it seems pretty hard to shake, but maybe someone will be able to pull you out of your dark, gloomy emotional rut?

6. PARALYSIS: You can't move your legs, or perhaps it's your arms that are affected... Or even your whole body if you're especially unlucky. Unfortunately, you've been paralyzed somehow. If you're a Pokemon, you'd better hope someone has a Parlyz Heal or two on hand.

7. HALLUCINATION/DELUSION: There is most definitely something in the corner waiting to spring at you! ...Except when you take another look? No, there isn't. You've suddenly started hearing and seeing things that just don't exist, as the other person in the room will gladly tell you. The hallucinations can't hurt you physically, but your mental state, on the other hand...

8. MEMORY PROBLEMS: What's your name? Where are you from? These questions might become awfully hard to answer. Your memory is deteriorating as we speak; you can't remember what the conversation you just had was about, and you may well forget that you were having a conversation at all.

9. NIGHTMARES: Went to take a peaceful nap? Time for a nightmare! Hit in the head and knocked unconscious? You're getting a nightmare too, buddy, to increase the unpleasantness of your predicament. It'll be a little hard to wake you up from your bad dream, though it will be possible. While the dream may have ended, that doesn't mean it's completely out of your mind.

10. WEAKNESS/TIREDNESS: You're tired, exhausted, and you want to rest. All of your strength has left you. It's actually requiring all of your willpower not to just fall over on the floor. You should really find a bed soon.

If you need to get in touch with me, post a comment here!

Finally, please pimp the meme out!">

!open meme

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