(no subject)

Oct 20, 2010 16:14

the chosen one rebuilt the world with a single piece of chalk
except not really, the apocalypse hasn't happened yet

welcome to cretan...

On the fifth day of the fifth month at the fifth hour, something changed. Your room shifts, the world twists and turns, and you feel as if you are suddenly being sucked in. Sucked into what, you may ask? The corner of your room, the subway, wherever you are. You're being pulled into the nearest blackboard, whiteboard, or writable surface.

When you awaken, you are in a dark alleyway. Sketchy, no? Straight out of a cliche, bad blockbuster? Maybe. But it's a bit different. You brush up against the wall, and on your sleeve is a residue. Curiously, you inspect it. To your surprise, the residue is in fact chalk.

How did this happen?

You stumble out of the alleyway and into the city. Upon further inspection... the buildings, streets, streetlamps, are made of chalk. Or perhaps they're simply covered in chalk. They are indestructible creations made from such flimsy material - it makes no sense.

When you look to the north, you see a large caricature of a castle. Instead of true spires, all you can see is life-size sticks of chalk. A castle truly made of chalk.

You look down.

At your feet is a small stick of chalk attached to a note. A note that says, "Use this well."

The city is made of sound buildings and structures. However, that old saying, "don't judge a book by its cover" can also be used in the reverse. These buildings, despite being made of some type of stone, are covered in a thick layer of chalk. If one were to run his or her finger along the surface, said finger would be covered with a chalky dust. The purpose behind this 'decoration' is unknown, but it certainly is a common trend. Buildings, street-lamps, signs, tables, roads, and the works all have this chalk-layer in common. The layer refuses to crumble or melt away in the rain - as if procured by magic!

The town resembles the shape of an oval. At the very north edge is the 'castle' made of 'chalk' like structures. The rest of the quaint city is covered with criss-crossing, multi-level roads, shops, restaurants, business districts, and the usual. Technology is as advanced as anywhere else and the locals are well-versed in literature. Newspapers are a normal procedure and the police force is out to keep the streets safe at night and from crime.

So what's so special about this place apart from the chalky aura? Well, for one, cast over the televisions every night at five is a large smiling face. Quite literally, a :) appears on all televisions, followed by a message from 'His Highness'. Quite obviously, the voice has been changed with some device, as to protect the identity of this strange person.

...Here's the catch.

The locals don't remember these nightly programs. Mention them to the locals? They won't know what you're talking about.

But you remember.

And you are unnerved by their content.


Things happen in the hour of five pm. When the announcement is over - well - let's just say things get a bit too creative...

In fact, everything comes to life after five pm until midnight. That's right, folks! The buildings, the lamp-posts, the mailboxes, the chairs. Everything has a mind and speaks. It won't hurt you, promise! But the sidewalk may comment on how he's always walked on, or how the lamp-post always has to shed light on a situation! Have fun!


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