So, yesterday we finally got SiL's plans. At the last minute, of course. And ooooh, the passive-aggressiveness going on is enough to warm the cockles of the heart
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Oh, piff. $25 a person is NOTHING. They regularly take us to places that run around $15-$18 a person, plus another $2 or so for iced tea or soda. Red Lobster, Olive Garden and Texas Land and Cattle are chief in the rotation.
No, the "expense" was of course just an excuse. I honestly think she was hoping we'd cave and have them over - but wtf!? How would I even buy a turkey on the evening of Dec. 23 and hope to have it thawed, in an apartment, and ready to be cooked by the morning Dec. 25th? Not to mention the very thought of how long it'd take in a grocery store today. NO WAY. We drove BY a grocery store on the way to make a drop-off at Goodwill and the highway was backed up for a good mile in front of it!
Hubby and I have considered putting in for this next year - if his parents are even still alive. I've hosted over here 2 years and I'm more than ready to g back to unctuous leg of lamb with a wonderful salt and rosemary crust rather than turkey...
Comments 5
Maybe someone else will get food poisoning this time.
No, the "expense" was of course just an excuse. I honestly think she was hoping we'd cave and have them over - but wtf!? How would I even buy a turkey on the evening of Dec. 23 and hope to have it thawed, in an apartment, and ready to be cooked by the morning Dec. 25th? Not to mention the very thought of how long it'd take in a grocery store today. NO WAY. We drove BY a grocery store on the way to make a drop-off at Goodwill and the highway was backed up for a good mile in front of it!
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