So get back, back, back to the disaster, my heart's beating faster, holding on to feel the same...

May 11, 2008 01:42

Title: A Matter of Time
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Character study/romance
Characters/Pairings: Murata/Shinou, Murata/Shouri. Mentions of Wolfram/Yuuri.
Wordcount: 2,082
Description: 4,000 years is probably long enough to forget, Murata is determined, and Shouri is convenient. A companion piece to Playing with Fire. Rampant ( Read more... )

fic, kkm

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Comments 33

bowchickamaou May 11 2008, 08:13:10 UTC
So very lovely! I've always been partial to Murata/Shouri. I like that your Murata sees the power and potential in Shouri, and that this attracts him.

Not sure which was more delightful: Yuuri's reaction to walking in on his brother and Murata; or Shouri's concern at drunk!Yuuri's predicament at the festival of sowing.


chaineddove May 11 2008, 08:23:32 UTC
*LOL* Poor Yuuri. I bet he was so hideously uncomfortable around both his friend and his brother after that incident. Maybe I'll write about it one day.

I have a weak spot in my heart for Wolfram and Yuuri. I hope they work things out soon. Murata and Shouri would be an excellent bonus *lol*


wolfram_jyari May 11 2008, 08:16:57 UTC
A delightful fic! I especially enjoyed the brief discussion of some of Murata's past lives, and his relationship with Shinou. Murata has never been one of my favorite characters, but this fic made me appreciate him much more.

A very in-character, and realistic (in Shin Makoku!?) portrayal.


chaineddove May 11 2008, 08:25:18 UTC
Yay! Anytime I can bring extra appreciation Murata's way I am very, very happy!

*lol* Thanks, I did my best to make it realistic after the first fic in this series and the extraordinary crack it produced. I'm a little proud of myself for managing THIS pairing without crack.


stillskies May 11 2008, 08:19:28 UTC
I feel like Shinou got the short end of the stick. T_T I feel bad for him, baby, bad!

Otherwise, I absolutely loved this, and it didn't suck, and you're just silly. =3 Love, love, love!


chaineddove May 11 2008, 08:26:39 UTC
I think Shinou wants to have his cake and eat it, too. He made his choices and he's DEAD. Murata is Murata and it's been 4,000 years and he totally deserves to be happy after all that, however silly and possessive Shinou might be.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, though ♥ You enable some of my best fic, love ^_^.


starrose17 May 11 2008, 09:32:06 UTC
Oh this is so lovely! I was attempting something similar to this fic, but with Yozak, but i'm glad i never got round to finishing it cos this is so much better written than mine lol ^^;;. I'm adding this to my memories!

And I spy my icon XD!


chaineddove May 11 2008, 16:33:31 UTC
Aww, yay! I'm glad you liked it!

And yes, your icon is absolutely made of awesome and win.


sora_ishida May 11 2008, 09:42:28 UTC

Yes. Very much yes. ♥ Heee, you included the part about Yuuri fainting *grin*

I am completely and utterly wowed by this. Your Murata voice is just incredible, and utterly believable. And much as the Shinou and Murata interaction makes me whine with pity/sadness, it's so brilliantly executed that I can hardly complain about it splitting up my OTP (besides, like I said to someone else recently: I really really love the Shinou and Sage whether they love each other, hate each other or are in some confused place in between. I just love their interaction and snark and the emotional baggage they're carrying and...just everything. Heh.)

"and Murata has lived long enough to be aware of his own weakness for powerful men."
BEST LINE IN IT. I hadn't considered this angle before. But I LIKE it. *purrrrs* I likes it very much~


chaineddove May 11 2008, 16:38:40 UTC
*giggle* Of course I put in Yuuri fainting. I take my headcanon very seriously XD

I'm really glad you like this and the serious tone didn't put you off. I was TRYING to write another lighthearted fic, but it just... well, you know how things randomly write themselves? Yeah, that. I decided to let it be.

Oh, Murata TOTALLY has a thing for powerful men. I've always kind of looked at him that way, which, I suppose, is the reason I never really got on the Murata/Josak bandwagon when everyone was trying to convince me of the awesomeness of said pairing. Josak is indeed awesome, but he's not... suited, at least to the Murata in my mind *lol*

I need more Murata icons. I'm going to go raid yours again.

Thanks for reading! There will be more, believe me *lol*


sora_ishida May 11 2008, 17:26:51 UTC
Hee! ♥

Of course serious tone doesn't put me off! (truth be told, I'm more a fan of the serious plot lines than the lighthearted/crack ones, anyway.)

Heh, well. I have many Muratas in my head...and several of them rather like Yozak~ A good part of what I like about the pair is the manipulation potential. Yozak is a primary informant for Shin Makoku, and if Murata can control that, well... ^_~

You can never have too many Murata icons! I need to get around to making the few WIPs I have sitting in Photoshop calling to me XD

Excellent. I look forward to reading more, then~


chaineddove May 11 2008, 17:29:57 UTC
Heh. I know lots of people like that pairing. I'm very weird about what pairings sparkle for me, I guess XD

Hahahahaha one of these days, I will make myself an "unguarded face" Murata icon. It's so rare when he doesn't school his expression, and I really love it...


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