014 [written]

Nov 02, 2010 07:29

[This morning, there is a series of images appearing in the journal. Nothing more, nothing less. Ask what's going on, and you'll probably get more of the same. Luceti is a strange place, isn't it?]

;richard, cruel and unusual something or other, ;katie, you best come help me ed, ;edward, .written, ;buffy, ;kratos, *ic, he fails at drawing too, nominal aphasia, ;katara

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[Voice] 1/2 vermified November 2 2010, 15:19:46 UTC
[....That... looks like him. In a doodle. From the look of things, it's from Sigmund- he'd recognize that writing any day of the week. He can recognize himself, more or less, a stick thing (oh, Capell's flute?), a floppy-eared girl, and the map is sort of...


...okay, it leaves much to be desired, but it's sort of functional. He needs a coat. And...

...what the hell is that? A cup? Why does Sigmund need a cup? And why is he talking through a diagram in the first place?]

Lord Sigmund?


[Action] vermified November 3 2010, 07:58:53 UTC
[Gahhh. Edward dashes right over, crouching beside Sigmund and gently gripping his shoulder. The coat and cup are forgotten for the moment.] My lord! Are you alright?


[Action] Sorry, sorry! Net was out. chaincutter November 6 2010, 17:22:48 UTC
[Sigmund is not the best of people to wake by surprising, but he's still too groggy (and hungry... and maybe a little weak) to do more than give Edward a small shove before blinking and realizing who it is.] You came.

[He wasn't worried or anything, why would you think that. It just took a long time, that's all.]


[Action] No worries! I'm glad your net's been fixed /o/ count_gardios November 6 2010, 22:16:47 UTC
[Guy is just going to hover nearby in the case of Sigmund needing additional assistance. At least he's all right; Edward had been a mess of nerves all the way out here.]


[Action] Ditto here! vermified November 8 2010, 00:35:33 UTC
[Edward does his best not to wilt, his relief over Sigmund's return winning over anything else.] Of course, my lord. I'm sorry it took so long.

[Hoping Sigmund is awake enough not to shove him aside this time, Edward gently gets his arm behind Sigmund's back to lift him up, trying to shuffle the coat around his shoulders. It's too cold outside to be without it.]


[Action] chaincutter November 8 2010, 01:59:28 UTC
[Sigmund does the exact opposite of shoving Ed aside and slides his arm around his shoulders. Despite what he's been telling others, he doesn't feel good at all. That's about when he notices that Edward isn't alone.]



[Action] count_gardios November 8 2010, 06:33:08 UTC
[Guy smiles and sweeps an arm before himself in a regal bow. It's not mocking; this kid is a Lord, right? Probably a good idea to at least show his respect.]

Guy Cecil, at your service. Edward asked for my assistance, should you require it.


[Action] vermified November 9 2010, 06:23:53 UTC
He is an ally, my lord. I trust him. [Which is something he's not as sure of as he sounds, not yet, but he trusted Guy enough to ask for his help with Sigmund, so... that's definitely something.

Once Sigmund has his coat on, Edward fishes out the cup and offers it out to Guy.]

Here, fill this.


[Action] chaincutter November 10 2010, 14:39:51 UTC
[Sigmund got... about every third or fourth word of that. He shakes his head slowly.]

I don't understand.


[Action] count_gardios November 10 2010, 22:03:36 UTC

[Guy takes the cup -but is it really safe to fill it straight from the river?- and hesitates. What doesn't he understand? Did it have something to do with why he drew the map instead of writing down directions or asking plainly?

Maybe he needed smaller words. Guy presses his palm flat against his own chest to indicate himself.]



[Action] vermified November 11 2010, 00:37:51 UTC
[Edward is visibly confused; he doesn't understand? What's not to understand? It's obvious that something's wrong, but he's having trouble grasping it. This is why he was drawing pictures instead of asking for help though, apparently...

He glances sidelong at Guy, shifting a bit closer to Sigmund protectively- not from Guy so much as everything. He does nod in agreement, glancing at his lord. Guy is here to help, and he's trustworthy. He's not sure how Sigmund would need that to be conveyed.]


[Action] chaincutter November 11 2010, 01:24:15 UTC
I understood that. I cannot remember- He struggles with finding the word he wants for a moment, but he just can't. So instead, he opens his journal and points to the first word he sees that he can't make sense of. It happens to be his own name.]

This means nothing to me.


[Action] count_gardios November 11 2010, 02:06:46 UTC
...that's you. Your name. [Oh dear. Maybe they should just forgo explanations and drag him back to the village?]


[Action] vermified November 12 2010, 03:19:30 UTC
[....Oh dear. Sigmund, being unable to communicate even more than usual normally? This isn't going to be easy by any means. Edward frowns uncomfortably for a moment, then takes the journal and jots out a little drawing of the house, with an arrow pointing to it. They should get going and worry about this later.]


[Action] chaincutter November 13 2010, 16:07:06 UTC
[It's very tempting to snap. He feels... annoyed, tired, abused, condescended to... But he takes a deep breath and lets it go, although maybe the hand on Edward's shoulder squeezes just a little harder than is needed to keep him upright.] I know what things are. I asked for you, didn't I? I just don't remember the- [>>]...things.

[So much for his stalwart defense of his own intelligence.]


[Action] count_gardios November 14 2010, 04:40:05 UTC
[This isn't going to work.

Guy had darted off for a moment to go fill the cup as requested and returns to see that they are misunderstanding each other. He holds the cup out for Edward to take and shakes his head.]

Maybe we should just get moving. We can try to figure out what we're all saying somewhere warmer, at least.


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