014 [written]

Nov 02, 2010 07:29

[This morning, there is a series of images appearing in the journal. Nothing more, nothing less. Ask what's going on, and you'll probably get more of the same. Luceti is a strange place, isn't it?]

;richard, cruel and unusual something or other, ;katie, you best come help me ed, ;edward, .written, ;buffy, ;kratos, *ic, he fails at drawing too, nominal aphasia, ;katara

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Comments 90

[Voice] 1/2 vermified November 2 2010, 15:19:46 UTC
[....That... looks like him. In a doodle. From the look of things, it's from Sigmund- he'd recognize that writing any day of the week. He can recognize himself, more or less, a stick thing (oh, Capell's flute?), a floppy-eared girl, and the map is sort of...


...okay, it leaves much to be desired, but it's sort of functional. He needs a coat. And...

...what the hell is that? A cup? Why does Sigmund need a cup? And why is he talking through a diagram in the first place?]

Lord Sigmund?


[Voice / Action] 2/2 vermified November 2 2010, 15:34:55 UTC
[And then it hits him - confusion be damned, this means that Lord Sigmund is back. So with a hasty and hopefully less boggled "Lord Sigmund!", Edward gathers a coat and the first cup that comes into view and heads out of the house to try and track down where Sigmund is. Hopefully he'll be able to get answers when he arrives.]


[Action] chaincutter November 2 2010, 15:51:17 UTC
[Sigmund almost responds, because he knows that voice, but then he stops, puzzled. L-...is that...that means him, doesn't it? He's not really sure. But he needs the help. He tried to point out where he was as best he could, even if the only points of reference he could come up with are "tall growing thing, big cold hard rough thing, tall growing thing and little growing thing, can hear but not see wet flowing place."

He'll just hunker down and wait, either for Edward to rescue him or until he's steady enough on his feet to go rescue Edward.]


[Action] vermified November 2 2010, 15:56:41 UTC
[Alright! He's going! He's running! He's on his way! He's going to help Lord Sigmund, he's going to be useful! This'll be great! This'll be his moment of triumph! This-

...this is...


...this is not where he meant to go.]


[written] slaying November 2 2010, 15:59:38 UTC
[Scribbled, nearby:] Could use some colour! [Then, cheekily? A smile like this]


[written] chaincutter November 2 2010, 16:11:35 UTC
... Need find.


[written] slaying November 2 2010, 16:23:49 UTC
Need find what? Colour? The shops probably have crayons.


[written] chaincutter November 2 2010, 16:37:37 UTC
[Oh, Buffy. He would maybe even find this amusing, if the situation wasn't so direly alarming to him. This, and then-] There were many. Can't remember things for speaking. Need assist.


[written] flicker_flash November 2 2010, 16:06:30 UTC
[She'll stare at those pictures for a long time. ...maybe he needs to talk in code. Or maybe it's not even him.

Well, one way to find out. Katie draws a picture in response, of Sigmund with a grumpy look, followed by a giant question mark.]


[written] chaincutter November 2 2010, 16:14:10 UTC
[It takes him awhile to answer - oh, you wonderful girl, he could hug you to death right now - but when it does come, it is written large, slowly, and deliberately.]



[written] flicker_flash November 2 2010, 16:31:38 UTC
[The journal will possibly catch her small gleeful sound. You're back! :D! ...and talking in pictures, what. She doesn't get that part, but she's willing to play along. Going back to staring at the picture, now. Start here.

...well, her map-reading skills of squiggly lines are pretty shaky, so she stares at it a while before copying the same little map and putting an arrow next to it with RIVER? written there.]


[written] chaincutter November 2 2010, 16:42:07 UTC

... )


[ voice ] markofthebrave November 3 2010, 01:57:55 UTC
[That... looks like the way she'd been wearing her hair in the cell since the Malnosso hadn't exactly put 'personal hygiene' on the top of their list.

She has no idea what the rest of those pictures are.

Let's try this voiced.]

That's me?


[written] chaincutter November 6 2010, 17:30:13 UTC
[Sigmund won't respond with voice, because his is rough and he is dying of thirst, but he recognizes hers well enough.] Yes. You are [There's a long pause before the last word appears. Why can't he just think of the one he wants?! This shouldn't be that difficult!] unharmed?


[ voice ] markofthebrave November 6 2010, 20:31:03 UTC
[Hope you don't mind voice again, Sigmund. She doesn't trust pencils after her hand passed through her spoon for about five minutes this morning.]

Yes, I'm all right. [She's aware that this answer might not be completely satisfactory, as all three of them have likely been saying that to each other this past week.] What about you? Are you okay?


[written] chaincutter November 6 2010, 20:54:05 UTC
[At least she understands what's wrong with him. Or... he thinks so, anyway. His memories of the last week or so are rather murky, but there's a definite impression of her being there.]

I am- [He draws a little arrow to his sad excuse for a map.] But [and now Edward] is coming.


[Voice] ledbythewind November 3 2010, 05:26:37 UTC
[Well, that's... odd.]

Sir Sigmund, is everything all right?


[written] Sorry, there was no net. chaincutter November 6 2010, 17:32:50 UTC
[No, NO, everything is not all right. He doesn't even understand half of that sentence it isn't going away why does the world do this to him it's just. not. fair.]



[written] No worries! ledbythewind November 11 2010, 03:45:15 UTC
[Richard doesn't exactly believe that, but he's not going to pry either. So...]

I wasn't aware you were an artist as well as a musician.


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