014 [written]

Nov 02, 2010 07:29

[This morning, there is a series of images appearing in the journal. Nothing more, nothing less. Ask what's going on, and you'll probably get more of the same. Luceti is a strange place, isn't it?]

;richard, cruel and unusual something or other, ;katie, you best come help me ed, ;edward, .written, ;buffy, ;kratos, *ic, he fails at drawing too, nominal aphasia, ;katara

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[Voice] 1/2 vermified November 2 2010, 15:19:46 UTC
[....That... looks like him. In a doodle. From the look of things, it's from Sigmund- he'd recognize that writing any day of the week. He can recognize himself, more or less, a stick thing (oh, Capell's flute?), a floppy-eared girl, and the map is sort of...


...okay, it leaves much to be desired, but it's sort of functional. He needs a coat. And...

...what the hell is that? A cup? Why does Sigmund need a cup? And why is he talking through a diagram in the first place?]

Lord Sigmund?


[Voice / Action] 2/2 vermified November 2 2010, 15:34:55 UTC
[And then it hits him - confusion be damned, this means that Lord Sigmund is back. So with a hasty and hopefully less boggled "Lord Sigmund!", Edward gathers a coat and the first cup that comes into view and heads out of the house to try and track down where Sigmund is. Hopefully he'll be able to get answers when he arrives.]


[Action] chaincutter November 2 2010, 15:51:17 UTC
[Sigmund almost responds, because he knows that voice, but then he stops, puzzled. L-...is that...that means him, doesn't it? He's not really sure. But he needs the help. He tried to point out where he was as best he could, even if the only points of reference he could come up with are "tall growing thing, big cold hard rough thing, tall growing thing and little growing thing, can hear but not see wet flowing place."

He'll just hunker down and wait, either for Edward to rescue him or until he's steady enough on his feet to go rescue Edward.]


[Action] vermified November 2 2010, 15:56:41 UTC
[Alright! He's going! He's running! He's on his way! He's going to help Lord Sigmund, he's going to be useful! This'll be great! This'll be his moment of triumph! This-

...this is...


...this is not where he meant to go.]


[Action] chaincutter November 2 2010, 16:19:06 UTC
[Sigmund will wait for Ed for quite a long time, by virtue of not being able to fully support his own weight. Eventually, though, he starts to suspect something has gone terribly wrong.

...Oh no. Time to consider uncurling himself from his rock and going on a hunt? A very slow, unsteady hunt?]


[Action] vermified November 2 2010, 16:49:52 UTC
[This is bad. This is very, very bad. Edward is left with quite the dilemma; much as he wants to give his all and help his lord home (all by himself, ha, take that cruel world), his mind and memory are just not cooperating. So either he could keep trying (experience telling him how smart that would be) or he could cave and ask for help.

His pride is a small price to pay for Sigmund's safety, that much is obvious. So Edward opts to swallow it and hunt around for someone to kidnap recruit to his cause.]


[Action] count_gardios November 2 2010, 17:06:28 UTC
[Such a someone exists!

Guy has had to pry himself from Luke's bedside in an effort to get some fresh air, so he's out taking a walk.]


[Action] vermified November 2 2010, 17:19:24 UTC
[Thank goodness it's a familiar face. Though Edward is somewhat wary of recruiting the man he'd gossipped about Sigmund with, desperate times call for desperate measures, and Sigmund is still waiting. So after a moment Edward runs over to greet the blond man.]

Guy! I need your help at once.


[Action] count_gardios November 2 2010, 17:25:14 UTC
[Whoa, Edward is a lot faster than Guy would have anticipated. But hey, needs his help? Cool, Guy could use a distraction.]

Of course, what is it?


[Action] vermified November 2 2010, 17:30:52 UTC
[Edward shuffles the coat and cup to one hand, retrieving his journal and holding it out for Guy to see.]

This diagram- I need to reach this location. Lord Sigmund is waiting for me, but I... [He trails off. ...This is so damned humiliating...!]


[Action] count_gardios November 2 2010, 17:38:20 UTC
[Guy studies it for a second; most of it is pretty easy to grasp. He needs assistance, preferably in the form of Edward. He needs a coat -understandable because it's cold- and...water, probably.

The rod...he's not sure, and the other person he doesn't know either. The lines appear to be a map, and those look like trees...can't see but he can hear? It had to be a river.]

Hmm...do you know which river he's talking about in this?


[Action] vermified November 2 2010, 17:55:24 UTC
I can only assume it's the one closest to the barracks. Lord Sigmund knows that area well.

[Though why he can't actually write or speak a proper sentence to explain things, Edward really has no idea.]


[Action] count_gardios November 2 2010, 18:35:52 UTC
All right, let's get going. [And off they take! Guy's not sure the reason why Sigmund seems to be drawing Edward maps instead of asking outright for help, but there must be a reason for it.]


[Action] vermified November 2 2010, 18:41:41 UTC
[Edward hastily follows, glad for once he'd opted to leave his blade at home. It would be clumsy to bring Sigmund back with the extra weight, and Guy was pretty quick on his feet.

It shouldn't take them long to reach Sigmund at this rate.]


[Action] chaincutter November 2 2010, 19:14:57 UTC
[When they do, they will find him basically where he indicated he would be - south of the village, out of sight of the river but within hearing distance, against a big rock between two big trees. Look, he drew the best he can, alright. They might also find him dozing slightly. This has been an exhausting experience.]


[Action] count_gardios November 3 2010, 01:51:14 UTC
[It takes a bit of searching around but they do eventually discover a man slumped against a rock. Guy doesn't know what he looks like, but he's pretty sure there aren't any other men slumped against rocks anywhere so this must be Sigmund.

...he looks much younger than Guy was expecting. He's just a kid.]

Are you awake?


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