009 ["voice"/action] forward-dated to nighttime

Jul 16, 2010 08:52

[It's been a little over a week now since Sigmund accidentally deafened part of Luceti. Tonight isn't a good night to talk about it; part of him suspects that he never will be ( Read more... )

;katie, ;edward, life no longer has any meaning, .action, capeeeeell, build a bridge and get over it sig, .voice, *ic, possibly a bad bad man, he only fails at *speaking* thx

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vermified July 16 2010, 23:00:47 UTC
[Edward hears the flute inside, both through the journal and the window. He's cautious - can't really help it, after last time - but he follows the sound outside, anyway. It's when he hears where it's really coming from that gives him pause; he knows Sigmund jumped, and he's not much of a climber, though he'd find a way up there if Sigmund needed him. He's just... not sure if he's needed at all.

And then he hears Capell's music.

In the end, indecision beats out concern, so he sits down against the wall, legs drawn up to his chest, and waits. Everyone needs their privacy sometimes.]


vermified July 17 2010, 04:28:40 UTC
[Welcome to Conversation 101 with Edward the dropout. He curls up even more, all but ready to facepalm at himself.]

He's the Liberator. I know that. But he isn't mine.


chaincutter July 17 2010, 05:59:24 UTC
[...He's doing it again.]

Then stop telling me what Capell would want.

[Maybe this will get the message across. He's... not hopeful about it, though.]


vermified July 17 2010, 06:11:56 UTC
[It's tempting to argue - because he's been with the Capell who knew, seen how he feels about it all - but he's tired of angering Sigmund when it never gets him anywhere. So this time he ducks his head and does the smart thing by shutting up.]


chaincutter July 17 2010, 13:28:10 UTC
Why do you demand one if you want the other?

[He doesn't mean to, but he sounds miserably confused. The Liberator, Capell's father, a friend... these roles all contradict each other in some way. Sigmund is used to having a clear idea of what people expect of him. He may not always agree with those expectations, and he may not always meet them, but he at least always knew what they were. What does Edward want from him?]


vermified July 17 2010, 20:08:08 UTC
[FIDGET. He doesn't mean to confuse you, Sigmund. He's just apparently very good at it.]

I've... been selfish for a long time. I was trying not to be, but... [He managed to become even more so. Great.]


chaincutter July 18 2010, 17:33:45 UTC
[Suddenly, he's making all these demands and stuff, and disapproving. It's confusing as hell. Friendship doesn't mean you get to tell Sigmund what to do, silly Edward. But Sigmund came up here to make a decision, and he made it. Remembering that gives him back much of his self-assurance.]

I don't know who you think 'I' am, but you will be disappointed. [Doesn't sound like he's too broken up about that.]


vermified July 19 2010, 05:34:06 UTC
[...And maybe now would be a good time to back off completely. Actually, he should've backed off forever ago, but better late than never.]

...Maybe. I don't believe it, but... I'll wait, my lord. [He pauses, then adds:] I'm sorry for being so difficult.


chaincutter July 19 2010, 14:21:50 UTC
[Edward's behavior has been so annoying that he is not even going to dignify that with a response. It never happened. Now stop doing it.

Anyway, he was trying to say something before this little sidetrip.] I do want to see him again. I will never stop wanting to see him. But, listening to others is where I first went wrong. I won't do it again.


vermified July 19 2010, 18:35:46 UTC
[...Ah. So that's it. As if he didn't already feel foolish enough. It was his screw-up, though, so it's best to get it out in the open anyway.]

...I meant no offense. I'm sorry. [And he won't be doing that again.]


chaincutter July 19 2010, 19:38:03 UTC
[Sigmund glances over. Edward, what is that face? Stop that.]

There's no need to speak of it.


vermified July 20 2010, 01:10:32 UTC

I won't mention it again.


chaincutter July 20 2010, 01:26:39 UTC
[Well, this is a little awkward. Sigmund shifts a bit, and tugs on his sleeve.] ... Was he well?


vermified July 20 2010, 01:31:57 UTC
[Blink. Edward's surprised for a moment, then pauses, choosing his words carefully. He doesn't want to inadvertently upset him again.]

I think so, my lord. Taking over as the leader of the Force has been difficult, but he's accepted help from everyone, and our group has grown, as well. I was wrong to call him a coward- he's the bravest man I know, after you.


chaincutter July 20 2010, 01:47:25 UTC
Capell is a much braver man than I. [Although he doesn't sound terribly upset about making this 'correction.' Maybe because it gives him a chance to brag.]

He is fighting well? He hasn't been injured, has he?


vermified July 20 2010, 02:02:42 UTC
[Edward opens his mouth to protest, but manages to refrain on account of the fact that he's already managed to get both feet in there already. BACK TO CAPELL, AHEM. ...And while he knows Capell's been hurt, Edward's just going to ignore all that and go with his current state of being. :|b]

His skills have improved a great deal, and he was fine the last time I saw him. We've defeated many of the Order's soldiers, and he's cut two more chains since Vesplume Tower. I think he's made a lot of progress.


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