009 ["voice"/action] forward-dated to nighttime

Jul 16, 2010 08:52

[It's been a little over a week now since Sigmund accidentally deafened part of Luceti. Tonight isn't a good night to talk about it; part of him suspects that he never will be.

But tonight is a good night for mourning. The air is still hot, heavy with a storm building... and around house #32, with something else. Sigmund is perched on the roof, with his now finished flute, even though there isn't a ladder in sight. He's got a blanket spread out, and a couple pillows for later. His journal is up there next to him, though he hesitates in opening it. But... he does owe the town an apology for damage done, even if it was accidental.

Up for a little music by the moonlight, Luceti? One note still sounds oh-so-slightly off-key, and the playing is a little hesitant in places, but the musician certainly knows what he's doing. Long memories are sometimes lacking on little details, is all. He weaves through several different styles and melodies before the last note trails off. And then, as if that was all merely warm up, starts into this. The playing has a layer that wasn't quite there before, a sense of being fond, reverent, and unbearably sad. Much more care is given to this song than any of the others. And when it finishes? Silence. Try to get his attention if you want, but you'll probably find him even less talkative than usual. Tonight isn't a night for explaining. It's a night for peace. And he's going to stay on the roof, and that's what he's going to get.]

;katie, ;edward, life no longer has any meaning, .action, capeeeeell, build a bridge and get over it sig, .voice, *ic, possibly a bad bad man, he only fails at *speaking* thx

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