Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Suzaku/Lelouch = porn stars? anonymous February 4 2011, 15:08:01 UTC

... not enough of a prompt for you? Okay. How about: Suzaku is a seasoned porn star (Lance Hardwood?) who gets to mentor Lelouch, a new recruit (Peachybutt?). Why Lelouch does this is up to anon; maybe Nunnally got sick and the local gambling scene has seen a crack-down, and he needs money now and the porn company is willing to give him a big bonus up-front?

So Lelouch enters the company a complete virgin (picked more for his good looks than his 'skills,' see!) and Suzaku must teach him the ways of porn first (and pop his cherry before the first live-shoot, of course...).

Extras: Lloyd as the director, Cecil as the make-up artist, Milly as the scout pimping new talents off the street, and Gino as the overexcited camera man (or C.C. as the snarky one).

OP could really see this prompt many different ways, cracky or serious, long or short, but whatever OP gets, OP shant reject. XD


Re: Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 6a anonymous February 5 2011, 19:22:17 UTC
this Anon is slowly recovering from a shell-shock...

well, Writer!Anon you are genius. Seriously!

For Lelouch and Suzaku to meet like this, and strike each other's nerves...!
(it's very similiar to how Suza punched Lulu in the face and always thinks the worst of him. Brilliant)
And violent!Suzaku is so IC and his reaction... a huge guilt-trip is to be expected. And this is another huge metal trauma for Lelouch. I wonder if he breaks or goes slightly insane after this.

This is begging for a follow-up...


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2a anonymous February 13 2011, 18:51:34 UTC
Anon admits that they have been suffering from performance anxiety - cause s(he) did not expect this to garner much of a response. Anon apologises for this being less porn stars AUish then it should be, but the Plot Took Over.

Porn stores were, for all that Rivalz had fanboyed them to be and what not, surprisingly boring places. Actually, Lelouch considered them regular stores - merely selling adult videos that were entitled in the most ridiculous of ways. “Gina and friends”, and “Stacy’s Oral Examination” were among the more innocuous ones. Worthless trash in his opinion - not that he’d ever watched any of those films, but he didn’t need to. It wasn’t like you could expect anything enlightening from these videos.

Again, nothing but trash.

(You’re just a prude, Rivalz always told him, but Lelouch didn’t listen, channelling out his friend’s talk about “big tits” and “valuable sex education ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2b anonymous February 13 2011, 19:03:55 UTC
“But you never study and, though you’d been gone for a few months, managed to catch up on everything more than easily. Other people would have had to repeat.” Rivalz nodded and then flashed a toothy grin. “Besides, it’s thanks to you that I can work here too. Cuz’ you help me out with the homework and stuff. Seriously, how do you do that?”

That’s because the stuff we’re doing at school is a walk in the park for me, Lelouch thought, fighting back the urge to roll his eyes when he thought of the elementary Mathematics they did and suppressed the urge to groan. While others spent hours crying over these problems, Lelouch could solve them in his sleep ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 3b anonymous February 13 2011, 19:13:29 UTC
Of course, there was no answer.

She’s asleep, Lelouch mused and felt the urge to slap himself on the forehead for calling out her name. But, somehow, whenever he returned to this small apartment, it felt comforting - no, it was necessary - for Lelouch to ascertain that Nunnally was there, that she was fine (her smile carefree as always)Maybe he was really too much of an overprotective brother, as Shirely always said, but then again, Lelouch didn’t care what others thought. Even if Rivalz likened him to a jealous father at times when it came to the possibility of any boy ever liking Nunnally ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2d (let's pretend the anon knows how to enumerate things D:) anonymous February 13 2011, 19:26:51 UTC
a nightmare. A stupid nightmare he’d wake up from starting every minute (starting now, now).

“What’s the matter, Lelouch?” Rivalz looked genuinely worried now, leaning over Lelouch and was about to put his hands over his forehead, but Lelouch swatted the hand away.

“I’m fine, Rivalz.”

Lelouch forced himself be calm, to stop his body from shaking too noticeably and even willed a fake smile on his face -- something a (fallen now) aristocrat like him had been taught to do from birth onwards “Nothing. So what does he want?”

“Ah, just a few vids. I’ll go back to the counter, I just needed to tell you. ‘Cause, really, it’s kind of surreal.”

“Then you can just go back.”

“You don’t want to see what he looks like?” Rivalz looked genuinely disappointed, and Lelouch, despite his nausea, rolled his eyes. Really. What was with Rivalz and his ardent fascination with anything porn-related?

“No, it’s really, really not necessary for me to see him ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2e anonymous February 13 2011, 19:38:12 UTC
Lelouch froze. He’d heard that voice once (and afterwards too - in his nightmares). His heartbeat quickening all of a suddenly and he turned around-

only to see the one face he’d been trying to forget about.

“What do you want?” Lelouch said, his voice gaining a dangerous edge as he watched Suzaku walk towards him, looking frighteningly normal in that outfit, so much that Lelouch nearly felt silly for a second - for feeling-

(the adrenaline rushing through his veins, the need to run away).

Because when he looked at Suzaku like this - then Suzaku didn’t look much older than him (maybe three to four years older?) and, again, Lelouch was struck by the resemblance those green eyes had with someone he’d known once. A boy who’d shared the same name - a name he’d nearly forgotten, but -

(never those eyes or that large smile that lit up his features).More so now, because Suzaku looked so frighteningly ordinary now- just like that boy had, the boy called Suz- - oh God it couldn’t be, Lelouch thought, his eyes widened as he slapped a hand ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2f anonymous February 13 2011, 19:47:28 UTC
Great, so he really is a minor. Just fucking great, Suzaku thought and chuckled. Not only because Gino had been right, but because - now standing there in Lelouch’s apartment and looking at that tall, skinny boy - it should have been obvious from the get-go. Then again, he’d met dozens upon dozens of people in the industry who didn’t look their age.

“I’m glad it amuses you so much, SuzakuSuzaku paused for a moment, somewhat surprised at the familiar way Lelouch used that name - and the correct pronunciation of it. Nearly as if - but Suzaku didn’t have time to think about that ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2g anonymous February 13 2011, 19:57:31 UTC
“And, you come waltzing in here, expecting what?” Lelouch paused, feeling himself running out of air and his head reeling, dizziness taking over. “The worst thing is that you didn’t come here because you were worried about me, but because you just wanted to soothe your own ego.”

“I didn’t-” Suzaku started, but found himself not being able to say anything. Because he suddenly realised that the, past month, when he’d thought about Lelouch, those defiant eyes and everything else that had happened, he’d only been angry. Angry that Lelouch had fooled him, had tricked him and -

brought out the worst in himself. Made him realise that, no matter how he’d tried to kill that part inside of him, he was still capable of feeling. Lelouch chucked, his voice bitter. “You did. Everything you said today proved that the only person you feel sorry for is yourself. Not me. In fact, Suzaku, son of former prime minister Genbu Kururugi, I think the only thing you’ve been doing for the past few years is feel terribly, terribly sorry for yourself ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2h anonymous February 13 2011, 20:07:19 UTC

Suzaku was in his apartment now, seated on his bed. Or better said, in his and Gino’s apartment. They lived together not only because they were friends (as close as one get to being friends in the porn business) but because Gino, a year after their first meeting, had - without prior invitation - shown up on Suzaku’s doorstep, muttering something about him being too “fucked in the head” to live alone and thrusted his suitcase at him. And that was how they ended up being roommates - something that Suzaku, admittedly, didn’t quite regret.

Somehow, tonight, Gino was way too pleased with himself - leaning his back against Suzaku’s (always touchy-feely). “So how was your little reunion scene with our resident bishounen?”

Suzaku fought back to urge to punch the living daylights out of Gino. Really, what was up with that smirk? “Nothing.”

Only that I realised he was my childhood friend, whom I incidentally mistook for an experienced jerk with a big mouth and then proceeded to fuck. Too bad that I realised too late he was virgin. And ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2i anonymous February 13 2011, 20:18:25 UTC
“You’re the victim, is that it?” Gino asked, his eyes no longer playful and no smile lighting up his features. “You know, I said you’re a weird one before already. Most people enter this industry because they’re either horny, lonely or just need the money. Mostly, it’s all three.” Gino sighed, glad he couldn’t see Suzaku’s face as he spoke now, not because he was afraid, but because he just didn’t want to see the broken look in those eyes. “You hate doing this, so much that I’m surprised you haven’t taken to drugs or alcohol yet, but you still won’t stop, even though you’ve got money, aren’t really all that horny and … well, I don’t think you’d have to be all that lonely, either Suzaku. I just think you’re in love with the pain ( ... )


Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2j anonymous February 13 2011, 20:28:18 UTC
“So you do remember.” Lelouch’s face gained a sorrowful quality as he saw Suzaku nod his head - once, then a second time. A stupid bashful smile playing on his face that Lelouch wanted to wipe out off because it really didn’t fit the mood at all. “I wish you didn’t. It would make it easier to just pretend that our paths never crossed again.”

Suzaku’s felt his heart lurching - an invisible punch being landed against his guts.

“I didn’t at once. I don’t think you did at first, either. But then,” Suzaku smiled again this time - wistfully - ”it’s not like you’d expect your childhood friend to end up working at a porn company.”

“I never thought I’d meet you under such circumstances,” Lelouch said, his voice suddenly sad and eyes downcast, ”I never thought you’d become that sort of person.”

-who’d sell his entire pride just to waste his life away, Lelouch wanted to say, but bit back that comment ( ... )


Re: Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2j anonymous February 13 2011, 20:34:34 UTC
this is not just good - this is wondeful, all the interactions, the raw emotions, everything...
please finish this, okay?

sending you much virtual love!


Re: Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2j anonymous February 13 2011, 20:46:12 UTC
Lelouch is completely right. It is just. So. Sad. D:

I love the dichotomy of Suzkau being a 'success' and a star, but hating every moment of it. I love how the more Lelouch humbles himself, the prouder he becomes (and the more admirable, perhaps). I love Rivalz's compassion and complete incomprehension. I love Gino's patience and insight and ability not to push.

...I kinda want to hear from Nunnally. And what happened to the Vi Britannias (and the Kururugis for that matter)? I love the way this is progressing, the slow but steady build-up to something either wonderful or, potentially, heartbreaking.

In short; waiting with bated breath for part 3. ♥


Re: Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2j anonymous February 13 2011, 20:49:20 UTC
“You were so proud, Suzaku. So strong. I never thought you’d fall like this.”

Oh Lelouch, just how close did you come to doing the exact same thing?


Re: Pride, Honour, Sacrifice 2j anonymous February 14 2011, 00:50:29 UTC
Hooray, you updated w!a :D My god I love this story. So interesting how Suzaku ends up uncovering elements of himself he once hid, all thanks to Lelouch. Lelouch is love in this btw.


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