Title: Dig
Series: Finding
Sub-Series: Firefly 100 series that picks up after Jayne and River are together. Follows
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Post-BDM
Characters: Jayne, Mal, Zoe, River, mentions of an OC child.
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Notes: Follows
Move . As always
razycrandomgirl supports and nourishes the muse and
bookaddict43 nudges me to try harder. May their love and support be rewarded! This is a link to explain where the boy comes from...sort of.
All Jayne/River stories are in the same storyline...
Concrit = Air
Firefly100 Org post Dig
Scratching frantically, fingers scrabbling in the lose dirt until hard pack tore at his nails. Lunging out into the open, snatching up a small trowel. Tearing at the dirt, little mews of breath punctuated heartbeat loud in his ears.
Distant sounds urged him on. Panic, hoarse cries of fear, wet suctioning sounds he blocked from his consciousness. Salt made his eyes run, tears and sweat mingled making rivulets down his face.
His arms shook, hands bled from the coarse soil. He was on his knees, wearing through the fabric with the urgency of his digging.
He had to hide. Dig.
“Come out little hiding person… we ain’t gonna hurt ya…” Soft voice hid large man; hands reached out to pull him from the hole. His hole. His escape. Hands hardened by work wrapped around his arms; pulled him into the light.
Twisting, he thrashed against capture. Powerful grip wrapped around his body, held his arms in, legs were bent and held firm. He could not writhe free.
Gasping against the hold, his fingers dug into flesh, nails sharp.
“Hey now there little man, no need fer that…” Big man rumbled. Boy felt chest vibrate with the sound. He was trapped.
“What ya got?” Mal asked as Jayne returned, burdened.
“Crazy found him.”
“Now that’s a miracle I ain’t ever expected to see.” Incredulous, Zoë stepped over to look.
“Hid, under porch.”
“Small hands revealed great strength. Hidden inside self, made himself small. Invisible.”
“Any others?” Mal asked, anxious to be off Reaver-plundered ground.
“Hell no, didn’t expect to find this one.”
“Can’t disagree on that point.” Zoë replied.
“Let’s hit atmo, will sort this out later.” Turned to River, “You sure there’re no others?”
“Life fled, survived in one.”
“And will he… survive?” Mal asked softly.
“Dig deep, soul breaths.”