
Jul 29, 2007 20:01

Title: Catch
Series: Finding
Sub-Series: Firefly 100 series that picks up after Jayne and River are together. Follows Move.
Rating: PG 
Word Count: 400
Spoilers: Post-BDM
Characters: Jayne, Mal, Zoe, Simon, River, mentions of an OC child.
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Notes: Follows Move . As always
razycrandomgirl supports and nourishes the muse and
bookaddict43 nudges me to try harder. May their love and support be rewarded!
Dialogue is split by color cause, well, it got confusing!
All Jayne/River stories are in the same storyline...
Concrit is like air....amazing how you miss it when it is not there.

Previously: Firefly100 Org post


“Ain’t no way he could be mine.”

“How can you be so certain?”

“Always been careful like, didn’t want no ties tryin’ ta catch up ta me in the Black.”

“That’s very noble of you.”

“Hey, no need ta get whingin’ at me fer bein’ careful.”

“Careful isn’t the word I would chose to describe you.”

“Excuse me, but this is important. You said you were contracted to the Alliance?”

“Hell no, I just worked for ‘em as security a long ways back. No ‘contractin’ or nothin’.”

“You did the standard employment screenings?”

“Well, yeah, had ta ta get the job.”

“Right. That would be how he can be your son.”


“Part of the screening process, full physical, blood work, DNA work-up, and a few other more esoteric procedures…”

“Hold a sec Doc. Jayne here gave a, a… um…a… sample and don’t recall it?”

“It is not unusual. Was there a portion of time where you were unconscious?”

“Um, well, they did a ‘sleep study’ thing I guess…”

“That would be when they did it.”

“Alliance has got some sort of wrongness to their procedures if they are doing that to a man.”

“Past reaches out, catches up.”

“Yes, well. Anyways, that is how the boy could be Jayne’s. I can do a DNA profile and we can confirm it.”

“Ya can’t be sure it ain’t Mattie’s…”

“Yes I can. The damp-lung along with a few other ailments rendered him sterile long ago.”

“He coulda put some up in freeze, just like mine was!”

“Yes, but he didn’t. He never had access to facilities like that.”

“Then how’d he get mine?”

“We’ll never know, the ma is long gone and the Reavers took care of the rest.”

“What am I gonna do with a kid in the Black? Ain’t like he can just come on jobs, just livin’ on a spaceship ain’t no way fer a boy.”

“I grew up on a ship, whole families live on ships their whole lives. Not an impossibility.”

“Yeah, but yer family were transport crew, not no merc like me.”

“You really think you are just a merc anymore Jayne?”

“Ahh, um, well… and Mal ain’t gonna let no kid a mine stay on Serenity.”

“Not so very different than any of the others.”

“If Doc’s right, then this one’s mine, and seen Reavers.”

“We’ll make do.”

“But Zo…”

“We always do Jayne.”

jayne, simon, zoe, firefly 100, river, mal

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