
Jun 26, 2007 21:19

Title: Watch
Series: Finding
Sub-Series: Firefly 100 series that picks up after Jayne and River are together.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Post-BDM
Characters: Jayne and OC interviewer
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Notes: This is one of those bits that just writes itself, surprises and makes me go huh. As always
razycrandomgirl supports and nourishes the muse and
bookaddict43 nudges me to try harder. May their love and support be rewarded! All Jayne/River stories are in the same storyline...
Concrit is like air....amazing how you miss it when it is not there.

Previously: Firefly100 Org post


“Have you ever killed a man?”

“On purpose?”



“With premeditation?”

“That where ya think ‘bout it first?”



“Have you hidden the bodies, or left them to be found?”

“Some a’ both I guess.”

“What were your reasons for killing?”

“Money. A woman maybe. Cause they bothered me…”

“Because they bothered you?”

“Yeah, or someone I’m with. Mostly my job.”

“Do you regret killing?”



“All gotta go sometime I s’pose. Just some folks time earlier is all.”

“How does it make you feel?”

“Awake, movin’, wanna do stuff. Gets the blood flowin’.”

“How do you see yourself dying?”

“Most like someone will beat me to the trigger.”

“Does that make you sad?”

“Naw, not so much. I’ll be dead, not much ta think ‘bout then.”

“Anything that could change what you are doing?”

“Naw, it’s what I know. Been a merc and a tracker since forever I guess. It’s what I know.”

“Have you ever been in love?”


“Want to tell me about it?”


“She still with you?”


“How does that feel?”

“Surprised I guess. She’s just a little spit a’ thing. Smart too. Kinda makes me wonder what goes on in her head sometimes. But she’s mine, and I don’t ask too hard on that.”

“Why not?”

“Enough that she’s there. Trusts me, knows I ain’t out for just trim.”

“Is she right to trust you.”

“What kind a question’s that?”

“A simple one.”

“Don’t got an answer for that.”



“Would you ever harm her?”

“Hell no.”

“Have you ever?”

“Yeah… was a time ago now. Weren’t thinkin’ straight.”

“Why do you love her?”

“Dunno, just do.”

“Would you leave her?”



“That’s a long time.”

“Yes it is.”


“What is your favorite thing about her?”


To Be Cont’d…

finding, jayne, firefly 100

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