Series: Finding
Title: Waiting
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Post-BDM
Characters: Jayne/River
Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words
Notes: 100 words that fit in after
Control Firefly100 Org Post Main Org Post All Jayne/River stories are in the same storyline...
Long slim fingers curled around wrist held taut, pearl grip held fast in rigid fist.
Vibration crept along outstretched arm, pulse of control loosening.
Increasing tone of stance, muscles pressed against skin.
Thumb shifted grasp on sweat slicked white surface.
Low rumble of breath filled the empty silence.
Distant figure moved in light.
Shadows cloaked the reflection along silvered barrel.
Sweat sheened on outstretched arm, soaked fabric to skin.
Curious eyes turned to contemplate the darkest recesses where stillness was near complete.
Explosive report blossoming red.
Arm dropped, he collapsed.