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Comments 46

charliebnim September 2 2014, 10:46:34 UTC
UGH this was so sad, but so beautiful!* that is something oddly inocent in unrequited love ... the way it makes us want to be more and do more ... and in the end it is just worth it... because at least we loved. I hope jongin gets his happy ending tbh. ♡♥ㅠㅠ


ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:32:52 UTC
Wow, I think you just described the entire feeling of this 17k fic in a few sentences *bows to you* I like to think that Jongin gets his happy ending, just from places he might not have expected. (: Thanks for reading and commenting! <3


charliebnim September 5 2014, 23:29:19 UTC
<3 Thank you for writing this <3


burningleaf September 2 2014, 10:52:53 UTC
Happy endings, my ass. Don't think I'm fooled by the placement of that last paragraph, you. My lacrimal glands don't appreciate it.


ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:33:54 UTC
um...*laughs awkwardly* what paragraph placement what *runs*

there will be a happy ending.


I promise. (;


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ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:34:52 UTC
OH NO HERE HAVE SOME SUPERGLUE FOR YOUR HEART! I mean, I like to think it's hopeful in the sense that we can always love again, we all just have so much love inside of us. (: Thanks for the lovely comment!


hipployta September 2 2014, 12:29:48 UTC
Just like Luhan said...but it is what it is...

Chanyeol did have one of the best responses possible though


ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:35:25 UTC
Luhan is strangely wise in this tbh. And Chanyeol is nothing if not an awesome friend. But thanks for reading! (:


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ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:37:03 UTC
Awww, I'm sorry it made you anxious. :/ But believe me, happy endings are my JAM and I like to think that Jongin got his happy ending, just not with the person he expected. (: I'm glad you liked it, even if you won't read it again!


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