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Comments 46

zitaoppars September 2 2014, 13:39:08 UTC
holy shit, i was /////NOT///// prepared for this.


ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:38:09 UTC
are any of us prepared for something like this though


zitaoppars September 5 2014, 13:34:29 UTC
no, really. this has become one of my favorite kaiyeol fics tbh scratch that, it's one of the best in the fandom /weeps ( ... )


ceruleanlight September 6 2014, 16:51:08 UTC
oh wow thank you!! <3 I don't deserve so much praise for this story, plenty of people have written beautiful unrequited love pieces but I'm so glad you liked mine! ;;;; I could definitely relate to Jongin too, and I think that's one of the reasons I liked writing this fic so much. (: But I love hearing that I was able to touch someone with my tiny words, it just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside so THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR THIS COMMENT! <3 <3


(The comment has been removed)

ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:39:44 UTC
thank you so, so much for the lovely comment! <3 I think unrequited love is just one of those universal things and I'm glad you think I was able to capture some of the horrible, wonderful, beautiful, terrible feelings that go along with it.


lizzyu September 2 2014, 17:00:14 UTC
omggg, this is so good
i'm not really sure how to explain this, but you conveyed the story in a real quiet way
like there isn't any action, or drama, it's just a simple case of unrequited love where jongin pines after chanyeol for so long
it is very easy to relate to, and i love how the feelings trickle into my heart slowly, but steadily

i genuinely thought that they will end up together, seeing how chanyeol took the initiative to know jongin, and that's how most fics go
but i find this really beautiful, esp since jongin knows that they can't be tgt right from the start, and yet it didn't stop him from falling for chanyeol

my heart hurts rn
thank you for writing this! ♥


ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:42:14 UTC
thank YOU for leaving such a wonderful comment! <3 And wow, I'm so glad you said this because that's exactly what I was trying to go for when I was writing this. It's nothing special, nothing crazy, nothing dramatic. It's just love, and sometimes love is just quiet and longing and ugh I just really, really like how well your comment sums up everything I was trying to do with this fic. <3


galbijiim September 2 2014, 18:22:41 UTC
im so in pain i wanted my, jongin's, happy ending T____T if only chanyeol...


ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:42:49 UTC
if only, if only

but don't worry! we'll all get our happy ending someday. <3


yuraxchan September 2 2014, 20:02:50 UTC
This was heartbreaking :( But Chanyeol didn't react too badly at least.
I'm not sure they'll be able to stay friends though...This is harder than it seems to keep in touch with someone you love/loved who doesn't/didn't love you back. There is always this nagging feeling in the back of your head that the person doesn't like you (even as a friend), that you're not loveable, not wanted, not good enough etc. Hello insecurities. Even if the person is really important and even if you want to keep them in your life sometimes it's just too hard. It's not anyone's fault but...yeah.

Thank you for sharing ♥ even if it brought back so many bad memories lmao


ceruleanlight September 5 2014, 04:46:28 UTC
okay, so i think this is part where I pretend your comment didn't make me tear up a little because this fic was definitely more autobiographical than I'd like to admit and I know exactly what you're talking about. But writing this was so helpful in finally giving myself some closure and you're right--it's no one's fault if you drift apart, sometimes it's better that way. But I like thinking there's always hope for the future, no matter what you're hoping for. (:

thank you so much for this comment. <3


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