Title: A Hallmark Holiday
Pairing/Character: Veronica, Logan, Mac, Wallace
Word Count: ~4,000
Rating: PG-13 (implied sexual situations)
Summary: “So this is staking out, huh? It looks sexier in the movies.”
Spoilers: A few specifics from Season 3, but the story will make a lot more sense if you know Veronica and Logan’s history.
Disclaimer: If Rob
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Comments 52
How much do I have to pay you to get the continuation? :)
Thanks for the comment--I'm glad you liked it!
And I just loved Mac defending Logan to Veronica. I heart Mac & Logan as buds -so much so that I'm using my Mac/Logan icon :)
I love when people write Logan and Veronica spending some time apart and dealing with their indevidual issues and learning to be friends. I think its what they truly need and I would have loved to see that on the show.
I loved all L & V's conversations, Logan's anger at the thought of her patronizing him, their joking, etc
Loved the little bit with the car chase (Logan should have helped with more cases on the show), and of course their reunion. Perfect.
It seemed to me that Mac was usually able to be pretty honest with V, and we do know that she liked Logan when he wasn't with V, so I liked the idea of her being the one to tell V to can it.
Yay! I seriously just love them. Logan needs a friend like Mac, she is kind, honest, loyal, and smart.
I liked it too. And I like that Veronica actually listened rather than getting snarky. That girl needed to learn to take constructive critisism.
Thanks for your nice comments!
I read this last night on my husband's new i-touch (the gift I was somewhat obligated to buy after putting his i-pod through the washing machine...) - and I loved it. But I couldn't figure out how to post a comment from such a tiny screen. So, I've just now re-read and I think I love it even more. Very nice.
I'm so glad you liked this! (And the new iTouch--my dad has one and I covet it...)
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