004 [Audio]

Nov 16, 2011 22:52

What's the point of rebuilding our worlds if they aren't going to be the same?

And if they're going to be the same, what's the point of housing us here in the interim?

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[text] 3wayforjustice November 17 2011, 07:06:37 UTC
You assume that our worlds are, in fact gone.

They might not be.


[text] 3wayforjustice November 17 2011, 09:01:52 UTC
We don't.


[Audio] cellwave November 18 2011, 02:17:33 UTC
Hmm. This would be a lot easier if he really is made up, wouldn't it?


[text] 3wayforjustice November 18 2011, 05:45:45 UTC
Even if he were, we'd still need to find a way out.


[ Audio ] cellwave November 18 2011, 05:56:10 UTC
You have to admit it'd be a lot easier if the ones with the information weren't hidden away.


[ text ] 3wayforjustice November 18 2011, 06:51:58 UTC
I suppose so.

But if he doesn't actually exist, how can he have any useful information?


[Audio] cellwave November 18 2011, 06:57:37 UTC
If he doesn't exist, then the staff are pretending to be him, and they have the information. And as a bonus, they're easily accessible.


[text] 3wayforjustice November 18 2011, 08:40:41 UTC
If you'd like to interrogate the staff, be my guest. I'd love to know how that works out.


[Audio] /threadjack! thii2ii22tupiid November 17 2011, 23:57:53 UTC
He talks to us on the journals sometimes. Rarely, but sometimes.
I guess he could still be another staff member pretending to be the lord but its the closest we have.


[Audio] cellwave November 18 2011, 02:07:01 UTC
But that's hardly enough to prove his existence, is it?


[Audio] thii2ii22tupiid November 18 2011, 02:11:27 UTC
Its enough to prove that if he doesn't exist someone went to enough trouble to make up a persona for him.
Like I said, it could still be someone pretending it, but its better proof than just a note left in everyone's journal.

I believe he exists. Assholes like this never show themselves, they just watch.


[Audio] cellwave November 18 2011, 02:42:19 UTC
I believe he exists too, unfortunately. If he doesn't, I'll feel pretty stupid about being kidnapped by people who're too dumb to hide themselves from us properly.

But it would be a lot easier to deal with that way too, wouldn't it? Even if it was more embarrassing.


[audio] thii2ii22tupiid November 18 2011, 02:45:39 UTC
I don't know, there are people we've seen here who've shown they have enough power to make dealing with them a problem. And that's not even considering that SOMEONE has limited us somehow.


[Audio] cellwave November 18 2011, 05:36:30 UTC
But if Deior is made up and it's just the staff banded together, that means their powers are probably spread out among them, right? But if Deior is a person, and he's in charge of them all, then there's a higher chance that he's at least holding a monopoly on the powers.

I'd rather deal with a bunch of tough enemies than one monster, you know?


[Audio] thii2ii22tupiid November 18 2011, 05:45:54 UTC
Or it could mean one or two of them are really powerful and the rest can't do anything. We can't tell yet.

If they add up to the same strenght and evrything I'd rather take the monster, less things to worry about.


[Audio] cellwave November 18 2011, 06:01:56 UTC
If it was one or two of them, what would they need the others for?

But then you're dealing with the whole strength all at once! That sort of thing is a pain in its own way.


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