You're the Reason, pt. 3: Packing

Apr 06, 2010 01:17

            A/N:  Well, we're almost at the point of departure, though not quite.  Soon.  Honestly, part of the problem is I still haven't figured out what to do with them once they get back to Fairview! lol

“I just don’t understand how you can possibly already be done packing,” Katherine shot at Robin from where she stood at the bed, ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

agentscully1 April 6 2010, 08:58:40 UTC
OMG THIS. I so love that you keep writing and hope that you're thoroughly addicted.

My favorite part this time?

Katherine went over to the bed, threw the remainder of her clothes into her bag, zipped it shut, and threw her bags on the floor. She went back and dragged a laughing Robin to the bed, pushing her back onto the bed and crawling on top of her.

It encapsulates exactly why Robin is so perfect for her...the pretenses, the rituals--slipping away. Robin brings out the REAL Katherine, and the real Katherine kinda rocks.


celluloidtears April 6 2010, 09:11:45 UTC
Hm. So I take it you enjoyed it? :P I'll probably keep writing as long as these snippets keep coming to me. *shrug*

I agree with you, for sure, about Robin being good for Katherine. I do think she is one of very few people who's able to get to the core of Katherine.


pancake_susi April 6 2010, 09:39:08 UTC

My brain cannot even understand how it's possible that you write Katherine so well. I don't mind at all that you're stalling, this was so good, I...*sigh*

I might just love you a little bit, you know that?


celluloidtears April 6 2010, 20:01:04 UTC
Actually, I'm somewhat relieved to hear that I'm getting Katherine right, especially as, where the show is concerned, I've only seen her in s6... I really need to finish catching up. But, thank you! It's nice to know I'm on the right track with her!

Also, I find that completely acceptable. ;)


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celluloidtears April 6 2010, 20:01:30 UTC
That'll do. ;) Thank you!


laraprof April 6 2010, 12:40:03 UTC
Still soooo cute and funny, I LOVE that ! :)

At the beginning of the reading , I was thinking : "If they stood in that bedroom , they wouldn't have to bother about clothes" lol But then I was very impressed by the way you described Katherine's fears, and end up thinking that finally I'd like them to go back to Fairview, just to see the "new" Katherine interact with the others.

The "I’ll be happy wherever you’re happy" line brought a big smile to my face :)


celluloidtears April 6 2010, 20:01:56 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! :)


marleykaren April 6 2010, 20:26:12 UTC
I love this!


celluloidtears April 6 2010, 21:10:46 UTC
Oh good! :)


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