Rabbi Donniel Hartman gave a fascinating talk called "Faith and Reason".
This is not a full description of that talk (too much). It's not really
even a complete summary, as I'm skipping past a bunch of stage-setting.
This is more of a partial summary plus reaction all rolled into one.
(I'll try to be clear when he's talking and when I am.)
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Comments 2
Yes! It is the conscious acceptance of what many might call "good" that is important. I could quite easily become evil, and have never been free of that (or the temptations), but with various guidance and self-interpretation I recognize the path I choose to take, be it of one religion or many or none. R. Hartman makes a very wise observation. Thank you for noting it.
(Not addressed: non-Jews, who are also above the level of the animals.)
Whew! ;-) (yeah, I'm still just an evolved monkey, but you can't choose your ancestors...)
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