Updated Post - December, 2011. ^_^
Update: As of right now, I will no longer be posting my fic here. All fic will be posted at
celestine_fics on Dreamwidth, where you can comment using OpenID, and at my account on
AO3. All fics that are already here will remain here, but are also at
celestine_fics, and I strongly prefer comments to be
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Comments 12
It's a hard life here ;) Anywho, glad to be here! I shall go de-lonelyify your commentless fic ^_^
I knoooow, I have an HP fic that's due for a fest in a few days, and it's basically complete, but I had wanted to follow some thoughts of my HP beta and add some stuff that would make it make more sense but it looks like I'm just going to have to turn it in as-is because I can't bring myself to even think about Harry and Hermione and all the rest. >.<
OMGs, thank you! It's the fic I'm actually proudest of, and then I go and screw up the posting so no one can get to it, and by the time I'd fixed it I guess everyone was like "bah, screw this, it's too much trouble."
After reading your 'promises' fic, which was AMAZING, I came to check you out. You so fiiiine. ;D
Nyah. But your life journals make me happy because you're a sensible person, from what it sounds, and made of WIN. Your hate of funerals is totally reasonable. Anndddd I feel like a stalker. x3
And Doctor Who, oh? 8D Particular ships, perhaps?
I do try to be sensible.
As for Doctor Who ships, it's mostly Ten/Rose. ^_^ And Ten and Donna as friends because they are the BESTEST FRIENDS EVER. After Rose, I was just disappointed they couldn't give him a female Companion who wouldn't fall in love with him. >.< On her own, Martha is awesome, I just don't like her one-sided pining. Donna, though? DONNA IS THE BEST.
Ahhh yes, quite. See, I don't mind Martha, but three of my friends, ike, /despise/ her... their hatred is leaking into me. -sighs- I do not at all like Martha/Ten, though. So wrong. Rose/Ten, makes me happy. So does Rose/Nine. I thiiiink I like Nine and Rose more, but both are still sweet.
But I have to say, my favourite ship is Master/Doctor. Gyah~
AND HELL YEAH DONNA IS AWESOME. I watched Journey's End a few months ago and I sooooobbed. DDDD;
I don't understand the Martha hate. I mean... compared to Amy Pond... >.< (I really got tired of Amy very quickly. She's all snark and no action. At least Martha did something other than stand around in a miniskirt and throw around snarky, sexist comments. UGH. And, you know, at least Martha took initiative when she realized the Doctor would never feel about her the way she did for him or the way he felt for Rose. And Martha kicks some ass! And she's intelligent! AMY POND WWWWHHHYYYYY????)
XD I can definitely see where one might ship Master/Doctor, even if I don't (the same way I can see Elphaba/Glinda... it's sort of inevitable).
Also, because I am shameless, I have another epic Inception fic that begins here. >:D
I should probably do something along the same lines...what is it called? A master list of fic? Hmmm. *ponders*
Also, what is this new fantastic idea for a Harry Potter fic that somehow managed to ambush you right before NaNo?
And yes, yes you should do a master Fic List. ::nods::
If you can pop on Yahoo! I'll tell you what I'm thinking.
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