Updated Post - December, 2011. ^_^
Update: As of right now, I will no longer be posting my fic here. All fic will be posted at
celestine_fics on Dreamwidth, where you can comment using OpenID, and at my account on
AO3. All fics that are already here will remain here, but are also at
celestine_fics, and I strongly prefer comments to be made over there and not here on LJ.
That goes for all comments; my main journal on DW is
celestineangel, I crosspost everything from there to LJ, but I strongly prefer comments to be made on my DW account. I hope to eventually get rid of this LJ altogether.
End Update.
I'm a writer and fangirl, but this journal is also about my life. My most beloved fandoms: Inception, Harry Potter and Doctor Who. I used to actively write for some anime/manga fandoms, mostly Sailormoon, Inuyasha and Gundam Wing. Those fics may be found
Mostly, this post is a place to gather all my fanfiction together in one easy to find spot. So. What follows are links to all the fanfiction I've written and posted on this journal; for Inception and Harry Potter there are index posts, because having all those fics listed here made this post longer than it already is. XD In the future, if I write enough fic in any one fandom, I'll separate it into it's own index page.
All fics on this page or on an index page are listed in order from most recent to oldest. Please read all the header information, which includes rating, word count, and warnings.
Inception Fic Index Post Harry Potter:
Harry Potter Fic Index Post Doctor Who:
A Life of Missing Things--
She Came Back Heroes:
10 Things Peter Hates About Elle Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series:
Part of Us I'm working on more!
So, there. Again, welcome!